Grand Bahama landlords at a meeting on MERP housing requirements Photo: TheBahamasWeekly.com
Freeport, Bahamas - Grand Bahama landlords attended a meeting at DeVry
Medical International’s Medical Education Review Program (MERP) to
discuss the institution’s housing process, student expectations and
recent website upgrades.
Antoine Brooks, housing coordinator,
shared vital information with the landlords and gathered their feedback.
The information sharing is expected to enable landlords and students
to have a positive rental experience.
“The mutually beneficial relationship that has been developed with
landlords has been tremendously valuable to the overall experience of
our students,” said Brooks. “The continuous hospitality given to
our students speaks volumes of our community.”
MERP students typically reside in apartments
located within two-miles of Seahorse Plaza where classes are held. Grand
Bahama residents who are interested in renting a one- or two-bedroom
apartment within a two-mile radius of Seahorse Plaza may call 350-2311.
MERP is a rigorous 15-week program designed to provide preparatory basic
sciences course content for medical school education. The selected courses
help prepare students for successful entry into medical school.