We are
grateful to the Command Centre teams of NEMA and GBPA and to our City
Management and rescue workers, who braved the high winds and rain of Hurricane
Sandy to ensure the safety of persons trapped by rising flood waters, downed
power lines or fallen trees and debris. We acknowledge and applaud your
selfless acts of courage and dedication to the community. Restoration efforts
are ongoing, and we encourage you to continue to alert us of matters requiring
immediate attention with respect to downed trees; storm debris blocking
roadways or streets; loss of water; missing street signage; and major road
damage. GBPA’s City Management Help Line is operational 24 hours a day at
352-2000 to receive and address these reports, as a matter of priority.
island sustained damage from significant flooding, but recovery and
clean-up efforts island-wide, have achieved full restoration of water supply,
telecommunications, reopening of the Airport and reinstatement of power for
more than 90% of the island where safely possible. GBPA and GB Power teams are
diligently working to restore electricity to homes and businesses with the
utmost urgency; isolating only those which raise safety concerns for the
occupants and general public. We ask your continued patience as every effort is
being made to ensure the full resumption of all services.
As we
are now seeing, Grand Bahama fared exceptionally well during one of the most
complex and potentially dangerous weather systems ever to be recorded, thanks
to Government Agencies, all industry partners such as Hutchison Whampoa,
GB Power, GB Utility, Sanitation Services and GBPA City Management teams as
well as the residents of all communities. Please continue to be safe and
vigilant during this post-hurricane period.