Freeport, Grand Bahama… She may be one of the few Bahamians to make the bestseller list but life for Margaret C. Mullings has been anything but a bed of roses. It’s hard to fathom that the inspirational motivator, mother and pastor’s wife has gone from contemplating suicide one moment to planting Seeds of Hope the next. Her bestseller, available with over 77,000 websites and bookstores was recently nominated for an international book award.
“I have an intimate relationship with God,” she admits. “I have learned to identify and listen to His voice. I know that the words that were penned are not of my own conception but rather some of the instructions I was told to write.”
In fact, many people feel Mullings’ has a prolific gift to connect to her readers on a personal level in a way that even the most gifted motivators are incapable of achieving. With her confident and clear approach on hurting women, understanding the various seasons of life, discovering inner strength and renewing trust and love in oneself and each other, many have a hard time believing that Mullings is the actual writer when meeting her in person. With a quiet elegance and motherly observance about her, Mullings is a pretty petite woman who often is asked to repeat herself because she is so softspoken.
“I live for my family but I live primarily for purpose of fulfilling the plan God has for my life,” she says. “It’s amazing what happens when God is allowed to have control over our lives. I feel the book does have Christian themes but even non-Christians can appreciate it. In fact, The Bahamas is just finding out about the book and it’s already been on a bestseller list in Europe. I didn’t even market the book there but all I can say is five words -
to God be the glory.”
The book itself has taken the cyberworld by storm, having hit the bestseller list and finding its way into the stores of publishing giants such as Barnes and Noble, Biblio, and Amazon’s American, Canadian, United Kingdom, German and Japanese affiliates.
“The words on the pages are so alive!!!” says a reader who purchased the book on Amazon.com. “I am finding it hard to put this book down. It was written just for me, and just in time, during these difficult times. I am encouraged to go on, looking forward to a brighter future.”
With all the success on her first volume, the green light on the acceptance of her second volume and notes already compiled to begin a third, Margaret C. Mullings is well on her way to spreading a positive, uplifting message to the world while at the same time putting The Bahamas on the map. Mullings’ book is available on several online retailers including the aforementioned.