Columns :
Hurricane Preparedness - R. Tarzwell
Future Hurricane Preparation Plans -
Nov 19, 2006 - 12:06:37 PM
We seem to have missed any hurricane action this year, due to a change in the jet stream and a favorable la Nina wind pattern. So, what did you do this year to better prepare for the next hurricane? Did you get plywood and nails and store them away? Did you put away more food and water? There is always more that you can do with regards to getting your home or business stronger so that it can better survive the next big blow.
Columns :
Hurricane Preparedness - R. Tarzwell
Hurricane Damage and Insurance (part 1) -
Nov 2, 2006 - 4:41:38 PM
If your car was flooded: Even though a car may start, once the electronics have dried out, anytime water comes into contact with the computer chips, it's advisable to have the system checked out by a mechanic with the proper diagnostic equipment. Other areas that may need attention include the exhaust system and the brakes. The salt water may have rusted the iron brake rotors and will cause them to grab or lock. The exhaust system will rust from water sitting in the muffler. High pressure-wash the underside of the car to remove any remains of salt or flood debris, and if possible, have the underside coated with proper oil type rust spray.
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