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Inside The Bahamas Weekly Last Updated: Feb 13, 2017 - 1:45:37 AM

Have you tried our DAILY DOSE?
By The Bahamas Weekly Team
Nov 25, 2011 - 12:42:12 PM

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Perhaps you read us via out weekly news update mailer that we send to you via email each Friday? This allowing you time to catch up on the news of the past week. Super!

But do you know that many people view us daily? Our website is updated as news comes in, and additions are being made at any time of the day or night by our News Team.

Why not set us as your Home Page  and try a Daily Dose of TheBahamasWeekly.com  The internet is the fastest way of disseminating information! While you have to wait for the news-time with radio and the printing time with the newspapers, TheBahamasWeekly.com can have new information posted in minutes!

And we are growing at an alarming rate. We've had to increase our weekly mailer to 70 articles as we have so much content coming in.  We publish over double that each week, so getting your 'Daily Dose' gives you each day's latest  headlines.

We appreciate our subscribers! If you have a busy schedule, you know you can count on us to email you the week's Top 70 articles, giving you a great recap of what's happening in The Bahamas. If you are not yet a subscriber and wish to be one, just go to our left column and enter your email address where it says, Subscribe Me! A confirmation email from our mail service called FeedBlitz will come directly to you. You need only then to confirm your subscription, and you'll be set for your Weekly Updates.

Often we post pertinent or urgent information that is time sensitive. Without a Daily Dose you would miss this information. Once the news that is time sensitive passes, we may not include it in our mailer.

Don't miss a thing  -  1) Subscribe to our Weekly News Updates (see left column Subscribe box, OR BELOW) and 2) Do  set us as your Home Page , and get YOUR DAILY DOSE!

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