Photo: The Bahamas High Commission - Ottawa, Canada
CANADA - Dr. Calsey W. Johnson J.P High Commissioner
for the Bahamas to Canada on Tuesday, August 05, 2014 attended the Fun
Run Peace Ceremony held at the Amphi-Theater at the World Exchange Plaza
Downtown Ottawa, Canada.
Dr. Johnson
also presented a speech to the organizers and the participants of the
events during which he congratulated them for their noble effort. He
also brought greetings from the government and people of the
Commonwealth Of The Bahamas.
The Peace Run was founded in 1987
and has become one of the world’s greatest initiatives for cultivating
unity and friendship through the dynamic median of sport.
takes place in over 100 countries and it helps in bridging barriers and
fostering oneness among people of all cultures and beliefs through the
passing of a symbolic torch from hand to hand.
Dr. Johnson
encouraged the organizers and the many Canadians to continue their
efforts to bring peace to the world. The Peace Run is an annual event
and already plans are being made for 2015. The Bahamas is also one of
the participating countries.