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Columns : Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

CCS Relaunches it’s “Taking Control of Your Money” E-book to Celebrate Financial Literacy Month
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Apr 5, 2011 - 7:43:38 AM

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Taking Control of Your Money E-Book

Comprehensive Consulting Services, a financial and retirement planning consulting company announces the relaunch of its financial planning workbook “Taking Control of Your Money ” in e-book format to celebrate Financial Literacy Month. 

April is recognized not only in the United States as “Financial Literacy Month” “Financial Literacy Youth Month” thanks to the tireless efforts of Keshelle Kerr of Creative Wealth Bahamas and her passion for empowering the next generation of Bahamian financially.

The company announced that it will be spearheading two specific initiatives during the month of April to help Bahamians boost their understanding of their personal finances and money management. With the first being the offer of a Free 40 minutes Financial Empowerment Session.

In talking about the relaunch of the e-book, Mr. Glenn S. Ferguson, author and Principal of Comprehensive Consulting said that “most everyone want to improve their finances, they just don't know what to do.  And this new e-book shows you not only why, but how to take your finances to the next level by helping you to accelerate your financial literacy. And we hope that all Bahamians will take advantage of this opportunity to boost their understanding of their personal finances."

Ferguson goes on to say that “Taking Control of Your Money is a user-friendly workbook that offers you the specific techniques, resources, and motivation you need to improve your ability to understand and make informed and effective decision about the use and management of your money.”

The relaunch of the workbook comes at an opportune time as Bahamians are continuing to digg out of the global financial crisis of 2008 and Ferguson stressed in the announcement that the need for a strong understanding of finance is more important than ever, as families works to get back on a sound financial foundation.

In the workbook, Glenn uses his trademark warmth, simple and engaging style to takes the fear out of money matters, while providing its readers with the tools, skills and motivation needed to reduce the cost in every spending area without sacrificing your enjoyment and quality of life.

Taking Control of Your Money E-book is available for purchase online at www.financialcoachingwithglenn.com and can be easily downloaded within minutes. And you can also purchase your copy offline by contacting the office located in Nassau.

CCS is a financial and retirement consulting and coaching company providing employers with tools specifically designed to help them empower their employees to confidently take control of  financial and retirement planning.

For information or if you have questions or comments you can visit the website www.financialcoachingwithglenn.com or contact Comprehensive Consulting Services at (242) 327-2453 or  Fax: 327-2456, email: glenn@financialcoachingwithglenn.com or glen@investinginyou.org

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