
Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
There is no question that you would like to be able to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, without the fear of running out of money and health - achieve financial freedom.
This is the dream of most persons but unfortunately only a very few will ever get to really enjoy their life in this way by achieving financial freedom. In fact, only 5 percent of persons ever get to this level of financial success, leaving the other 95 percent to just think about what life would be like if they were to achieve this level of financial independence.
But it gets even worse. The “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations in New York, indicates that really only one percent of persons are reaping the fruits of financial independence, leaving the other 99 percent to struggle and wish for better times.
Imagine that an incredible 99 percent of persons not being able to live the life they want because of financial restraints.
How about you? Are you apart of the 99 percent, wishing that you were able to get rid of the financial struggles that seem to be a constant companion?
If you are, then you would admit that it is not easy. The constant worry about money and struggle just trying to make ends meet. But where do you even start and how do you turn your struggle into the ease you want?
Well, there is some good news. It’s not easy, but with some work you can change your current financial situation.
It all comes with recognizing that no matter how bad things maybe, you have the power to change your circumstances. It’s not the government, it’s not your employer. It is you that must take responsibility for financial well being.
It takes you taking the time to not only access the financial information that is available but using that information to transform what you do with your money each and every pay.
And there is no better time than now because from all indication things are going to get worst with the global economy, resulting in more persons being crushed financially.
So here are a six things that you should do beginning today to get yourself out of the financial rat race and living the life you want.
Learning about money and how to use it to create wealth. With your focus being on creating wealth as wealth is simply how long you can go without a pay cheque.
Get your finances in order. You must forget about feeling that “what you do not know will not hurt you.” When it comes to your money, it is indeed what you do not know that is hurting you. So go ahead and make a budget and start getting rid of all consumer debts like credit cards and any small loans you may have. And if you need help, Taking Control of Your Money ebook is a great resource to getting a quick start.
Seek professional advice. You will be surprise at what a fresh set of eyes looking at your finances can do for you. While helping you to sure up those areas that maybe challenging you.
Reinforce your personal financial safety net by reviewing your insurance coverages. And if there are gaps in your current coverages, be sure to correct these as soon as possible.
Increase your savings. No matter what you maybe experiencing do not stop contributing to your saving and retirement accounts. And if you are nearing retirement, you may want to reconsider your plans unless you are absolutely sure that it will not adversely affect your finances.
Do not take on any new debt. And while you are looking at your debt be sure to keep your debt level to a maximum of forty percent of your monthly income.
Once you commit to these six things, you will would have taken the first steps towards overcoming your financial struggles and living the life you want.
And if you would like more financial tips like these feel free to visit www.financialcoachingwithglenn.com
Copyright © - 2011 - Glenn S. Ferguson
Glenn Ferguson is the Bahamas’ Number 1 Financial and Retirement Coach, helping you to painlessly take control of your money so that you can own your pay cheque again to create wealth for you and your family. You can email him at glen@investinginyou.org or Tel: 1-(242)-327-2453.

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