Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
One of the realization that I have gotten from talking with persons is that most of the problems that they are experiencing are the results of money problems. Leading me to conclude that “
if you can solve your money problems you can reduce most of the stress in your life.”
With your money problems gone you will be able to breathe easier and sleep better.
Think about it!
What would it be like if you were Debt-Free? To be able to go to the post at the end of the month and not be afraid of the bills that are waiting for you! Not having to worry about where you will find money to pay your electrical bill or your child’s school fees.
Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to keep more of your hard earned money for you and not feel that being without money is normal? It certainly cannot be normal to be without money if it's the one thing most people are concerned about.
Think of the benefits of having money. The excitement of having money that you could spend on whatever you choose. The freedom you would have to do as you pleased. You would be able to do more for yourself, your family and those around you!
Think of how your health would improve if you did not have to worry about money. Think of how your reputation would improve. You won’t have to hide from your creditors because of bounced cheques or not having enough money.
Think about how you would feel being able to pay off your mortgage early and owning your home outright while still young enough to enjoy it!
Think of how much leisure time you would be able to enjoy with your family and friends once you’re able to work less hours. Think of the trips you will now be able to afford, as your money is finally yours to enjoy!
Think about how the quality of your life will improve. Think about it and then decide that you don’t want to live life the way you are and take action today. That’s all it takes, a decision to change and then taking the appropriate financial planning action!
Just think about how your life would improve if you solve your money problems.
So now that you see the benefits of solving your money problems why no decide today that will indeed start to solve your money problems.
It is not easy but you can start today by taking these seven simple steps:-
Stop borrowing! It is easy to think that you can borrow yourself out of a bad situation but that is not so. As consolidation loans are just a band aid approach to the real problem, and unless the underlying problem is addressed a new loan will only mask the situation for awhile resulting in a much worst situation.
Consider getting a financial coach. I know you maybe saying that you do not have money for a coach but this is an important step to solving your money problems. As your coach will provide you with personalized help in clarifying your goals and creating an easily implemented financial plan for solving your money problems.
Document exactly how much debt you have. This is no time for guessing you need to be clear about your debt. List all your creditors, the total amount owed, and the required monthly payment along with the interest rate you are paying on them as well.
Make your monthly payments on time! You do not want to incur any late fees or other charges which will only increase your debt. And if you are unable to make your payment on time then it is time to talk with your creditors.
Track your spending. Once you are paying you bills on time now is the time to start tracking your other spending for a period of thirty days. This is important because you need to see if there are any extra money that you can use to help pay down the debt. So start keeping a journal of your spending. "Taking Control of Your Money" workbook is helpful resource to get you started.
Develop You. You need to increase your ability to earn more money and create as many streams of income as possible. So take a serious look at your skill and begin improving them right away. And you maybe able to increase your income without having to get another job
Start Saving! The only way to change your financial situation is to start keeping apart of every dollar you earn for you. And simply having a little is a sure way to relieve some of your financial stress.
So do not panic whatever financial situation you are in. Just take this opportunity to refocus on solving your money problems and will start to reduce your stress.
I invite you to take another step to solving your money problem by registering for Secrets to Earning An Extra $1K Monthly
Glenn S. Ferguson is a Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to "painlessly" take control of your money, to create wealth for you and your family. Email glen@investinginyou.org Website: financialcoachingwithglenn.com Tel: 242-327-2453 Fax: 242-327-2456
Copyright © 2011 - Glenn S. Ferguson

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