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Columns : Investing in You - Glenn S. Ferguson Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

Retirement: It’s Not the End of Life, But a Transition in Life.
By Glenn S. Ferguson
Feb 16, 2011 - 6:04:48 PM

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Words are powerful and when you think about the definition of retirement it usually has a negative connotation of “uselessness” or “end of use” which makes it seem that retirement is the end.

You will find that retirement is not the end of your life but only a transition into a new life.

In fact you can expect to spend as much as one third of your lifetime in retirement!

Therefore, it is very important that you be prepared for this transition - because retirement has killed more persons than hard work ever will!

One of the reasons why this is so, is that most persons never make the psychological transition from work to retirement. Whether you realize it or not your working years provides your life with a number of benefits and in most instances these benefits go almost  unnoticed.

There are five benefits  that work provides you with and if you’re ever going to transition successfully from work to retirement, you have to be able to transfer these benefits into your retirement.

  The five benefits of work are:
  1. Structure. Work provides you with structure and everything that you do falls within this structure. Your commitment to work affects your sleep habits and your interaction with families and friends. And those interactions are certainly different from the ones at work.  You may be the king or queen of your castle but at work your roll is determined by the structure in which you are place.
  2. Status. Almost without fail you identify  yourself in the position in the company that you work for. And that position gives your status not only in the work environment but also in the society in which you live.
  3. Socialization. If you are like me you do not work in a perfect environment but work allows you the opportunity to socialize with others on a daily basis.
  4. Sense of Utility. You need to feel useful and work does this for you.  It allows you to use your skills and ability each day for the benefit of others.
  5. Financial Stability.  Without question,  this is the main reason why you go to work and it’s the one benefit that you know you get from work and the reason why the other four goes unnoticed.  Work provides you with the money you need to have the life you want.
So if you want to transition successfully into retirement you have got to find ways to:-
  1. continue to have structured in your life,
  2. continue your status in the community,
  3. continue to be able to socialize on an intergenerational level,
  4. continued to experience a sense of utility, and
  5. continue to have a financially stable existence. 
As your need for these five things do not end with your working years.

This is why it is so important to for you to realize that retirement is not the end of your life but a transition in your life!

Be sure you get my special retirement training video - "
Retirement's Dirty Little Secrets & Lies... And What to Do About Them"  It's free so go head and get your copy and when you do, join my VIP list to continue your retirement education and empowerment.

Copyright © 2002 - 2011 - Glenn S. Ferguson

Glenn Ferguson is a Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to painlessly take control of your money so that you can own your pay cheque again to create wealth for you and your family. Email to: glenn@financialcoachingwithglenn.com  Web site: www.financialcoachingwithglenn.com Tel: 242-327-2453   Fax: 242-327-2456

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