
Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
No matter how you feel about retirement there are really only two outcomes in life, you either die before you retire or you die after you retire. Unfortunately, as with death most persons are also very fearful when it comes to the idea of retirement.
In fact retirement has been described by most retirees as
“the most difficult transition” they have ever had to make. This is why it is so important to begin now to prepare yourself for retirement and this preparation goes beyond money.
Hopefully, this story of my aunt Susan will help you to better understand this concept of retirement planning.
Aunt Susan called in what seemed a frantic voice requesting that I get her from the airport one afternoon as she lived in Andros and was coming to Nassau.
The sound of her voice made me concern, so I was curious as to why she was making the trip. If you knew my aunt Susan, Nassau was not her favourite place.
That afternoon when I got her from the airport, she wanted me to take her straight to her favourite furniture store. You see she needed to replace her favourite chair, as the cushion had now worn out and the spring was poking through. She had tried putting a piece of board in the chair but that just was not as comfortable as the cushion so she was going to purchase a new chair.
On entering the store she saw a chair that look just like her favourite chair so she headed straight over and sat in it, but there was this strange look on her face. Just then, the sales lady came over and asked if she could help. Auntie replied yes and asked that she check to see if this was the chair that she had bought years earlier. Surprisingly it was but the problem was that the chair was new so it did not have the same comfortable feel of the old chair.
Just then auntie Susan saw another chair that caught her attention and she wanted to try this chair but assured the sales lady that she would buy the chair that was a replica of her favourite chair. So she went on over and sat in the other chair and to her surprise the chair was much more comfortable. Glancing over at the other chair, auntie Susan said,
“I think its time for a change.”
Within a week of returning to Andros, auntie Susan was back in Nassau, this time to buy drapes. Once the drapes were in she was back again to buy carpeting. And after the carpeting she realize that she needed to repaint the room.
So on my visit to Andros I wanted to experience my aunt new room and while sitting there enjoying the new look it dawned on me that none of these changes would have taken place if the springs in the chair did not start poking my aunt Susan.
Just like aunt Susan, over the years your job have become your comfortable chair. Unfortunately, just as you are getting accustom to its comfort you are going to have leave it, as you will have to retire.
And like auntie Susan you would be surprised by the new opportunities that retirement will provide you with but only if you begin now planning how you will maintain your physical, spiritual, social, mental and financial well-being.
Once you understand and consider these changes then you will realize that there is no need to be fearful of retirement. And if you need help Retirement Secrets Exposed Coaching program is an excellent resource to consider.
Got a question about your retirement planning any question at all go ahead and just ASK GLENN
Copyright © 2011 Glenn S. Ferguson
Glenn Ferguson is a Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to painlessly take control of your Money to Create wealth for you and your family. Email to: glen@investinginyou.org or glennsferguson@gmail.com Website: www.financialcoachingwithglenn.com Tel: 242-327-2453 Fax: 242-327-2456

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