Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
As we continue to talk about
"Retirement's Dirty Little Secrets and Lies... And what you can do about them." Another
very startling point about the new retirement is that there are some
six lies that relate to the old retirement model that you had better not
Retirement Lie # 1- Retirement is a time for winding down
you do don't go into retirement believing that retirement is a time for
winding down. No way. Retirement is a continuation of life or a whole
new life of opportunities. And that is the way you have to approach it.
Retirement Lie # 2 - Retirement is the end of work
While Retirement carries the expectation of
Stopping work
Lots of leisure
And living on your savings.
this is what you're thinking then you are in for a big surprise as that
is not what retirement is – it is not the end of work. In fact as much
as 76% of retiree find that they must work because they can not afford
their retirements.
So don't get that notion. But what you want to do given that you
will be starting retirement earlier, is to make work a choice you make
and not one that you are forced to make. And if you plan to work you
will then have the opportunity to enter the work force on your own
So it is important that you develop the skills you have because
retirement may just be the time that they pay off big time.
Retirement Lie #3 - You have plenty time to plan for Retirement
this is your feeling let me assure you that retirement will sneak up on
you like a windscreen on a bug. And before you know it you will be in
This is why you can not afford to procrastinate. If you do you will find yourself regretting like 80% of retirees are today.
Retirement Lie #4 - Happiness in retirement is all about money
I' m sure you feel this way given the way most retirement planning
sessions are conducted. Addressing only one aspect of your life, the
Financial part.
But Is that enough?
While money is important it takes:
Retirement goal setting
Financial planning and
Not just money to ensure that your retirement is satisfying.
Retirement Lie #5 - Retirees is based on age
This may have been popular with other generations of retirees but
it doesn’t apply to the majority of today’s retirees. And it will not
apply to you.
Therefore you had better not believe is that this
critical life decision to retire is based simply on how many birthdays
you have had, your company's policy or the availability of an attractive
severance package. These have Nothing to do with the current or future
substance of your lives.
And This is why so many retire, only to be tired, depressed or dead within a relatively short time.
You want to be able to control when and how you retire and that should be at anytime you choose to do so.
Retirement lie #6 - Retirement will be the same for everyone
Well the new picture is clear: retirement is no longer
“one size fits all.”
And there four very different types of retirees. And people each of
these groups have very different attitudes, outlooks, concerns, and ways
of living their retirement years.
And the more prepared you are will determine which of the four faces
you wear in retirement. Bringing up to Retirement Third Dirty Little
Secret -
“Retirement has killed more persons that hard work ever will!”
So you have got to be sure you’re not only retiring from something... But retiring to something
Be sure you get my special retirement training video - "Retirement's Dirty Little Secrets & Lies... And What to Do About Them" It's free so go head and get your copy. And when you do join my VIP list and continue your retirement education and empowerment
Copyright © 2011 - Glenn S. Ferguson
Glenn Ferguson is a
Speaker, Coach and Syndicated Writer, helping you to painlessly take
control of your money so that you can own your pay cheque again to
create wealth for you and your family. Email to: glenn@
financialcoachingwithglenn.com Web site: www.
financialcoachingwithglenn.com Tel: 242-327-2453 Fax: 242-327-2456

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