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Columns : Coaching for the Workplace - Kaylus Horton Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

How to Wait in a Responsive Environment
By Kaylus Horton, Path™ Coach
Mar 1, 2012 - 5:33:57 PM

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Recently, I was awakened from my sleep upon hearing the word WAIT! In a still calm voice which did not repeat itself said only once; wait. I believe and accept that this was the voice of Gods Holy Spirit reassuring me about a few things I sought Him for direction on. 
The Holy Spirit being the great Comforter that He is, went on to have me pen a few words in the dark, quickly writing on whatever paper I could find on the night stand.  
The dictated words were:

  • rest
  • expect
  • believe
  • be assured

The Holy Spirit then asked me; Who do you do this with; that is to say, who do you wait on, in a manner that is described as calm, resting and expecting, assured of their presence, follow through, commitment and contribution?   
My response was; people who are faithful, dependable and consistently reliable.

The dialogue ended and I examined who are such people in my life.  The closest to the qualifiers were my husband, mother and maternal grandparents.  But no person, organization nor entity as on point, matching or surpassing the faithfulness of The One True Living God. 

Many times in the workplace we are involuntarily asked to wait. Wait for a promotion, job transfer, recognition, salary increase, additional staff, business expansion, products and resources.  Such waiting can be frustrating and very uncomfortable especially if the duration of the wait time is indefinite. 

The gold question of the moment, the central message of this article is to encourage you to seek ways to wait in peace knowing that whenever, whoever and whatever all will be well.

I am of the professional opinion that our faith in our workplace encourages us to believe that what was communicated is truth.  Prior consistent behavior will dictate your level of faith to believe and subsequently wait.

Dear Associates,  
Please forgive those persons managers and workplaces who may have disappointed you. Accept that many of them meant you well; however things happen. Just as you may have caused some degree of uncomfortable wait time for your spouse, parent, child, extended family member, friend or colleague at work, accept the disclaimer that no one and nothing is perfect.  Commitments, promises, oaths and agreements are frequently dishonored due to many reasons, mainly over committing, an inability to deliver, irresponsibility and ill intentions such as lack of integrity. 

Businesses can change in a split second due to external factors such as increased interest rates, a natural disaster, consumer demand or political change.  Now more than ever, innovation drives business competition, client demand and loyalty.  Take for instance Smith Coroner; years ago they were the leading manufacturer of typewriters. Along came the dos prompt PC (personal computer) with floppy disk and the typewriter faded out and surpasses the most advance typewriter, the word processor.  Imagine the intentions of Smith Coroner, management team and what their associates could have been waiting on, only to experience their business closing.  

The workplace is a responsive environment. Once you understand this, allow yourselves to wait in peace, knowing that things happen. Don’t take it personal.

Associates, it's time to wait in peace. 
Coaching Activity:

Recall a time that you were told to wait, and you waited, rested, ever so calmly, with expectancy and assurance.  

What was that like for you?  

Who or what are you currently waiting on?  

What confidence do you have in its arrival or their follow through?  

Kaylus Horton is the Principal of Renaissance Group of Companies. As a Certified Path Coach she facilitates learning and discovery for the focus, direction and the pursuit of vision.  


Do you need a speaker for your upcoming team meeting in the workplace or civic or specialty group gathering?

Perhaps you may be in need of a facilitator for a strategic coaching workshop for focus, direction, balance and productivity in the workplace and fulfillment within the associates.

Or you may benefit from being coached one-on-one for clarity, meaning and plan for the way forward.

Do you want to make your next facilitated event memorable, inspiring and valuable to you and your fellow associates and specialty group members?

Contact Dialogue s for details on how you can have Kaylus make your next event one to talk about for its’ results .

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