Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
Believe it or not the Holiday season is upon us again. It feels like 2013 just began that Christmas is only 6 weeks away. Another year has passed and I know that many of you sellers are wondering “Should I list or keep selling my home during the Holidays?
Many people would say NO you should wait until after the Holiday Season because everyone is too busy thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas and not about buying homes or property. This may be true for some, BUT here are 10 reasons why you should list and keep selling your home during the Holidays. I know that many sellers are very frustrated with our soft market but remember it only takes one buyer to make a deal and your deal might be just around the corner. Wouldn’t that be the BEST Christmas present this year?
Over the years we have sold many homes during the Holidays and this year could be your turn ! This year we have a bright light at the end of the tunnel because Sunwing is really coming and that's good news for the Grand Bahama Real Estate Market. I drove by the old Holiday Inn (Reef Village) and saw containers arriving and lots of activity. They are even 2 new restaurants next to the Casino being built right now. The owners of the hotel are spending millions preparing the "new hotel". According to Sunwing's web site "Starting in January they will be offering weekly winter service from Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Edmonton to Freeport, Grand Bahama, along with year round flights from Toronto. They are introducing the brand new Memories Grand Bahama Beach and Casino Resort, a 4 1/2-star all inclusive family-friendly resort located on a pristine stretch of white sandy beach"
This is great news for Grand Bahama because we have a chance to move forward again with thousands of new people coming to the market to see our beautiful island. If they like what they see they will want to spend more time here and that will have a direct positive effect on the Real Estate Market. New People means New Potential Buyers. Sunwing is really coming and will bring the Canadians by the thousands. The buzz about Grand Bahama and the new hotel has begun. Freeport is in the spotlight for Canadians, so there is already advance interest in our market and buyers have begun to think about buying on Grand Bahama again.
So here are the Top 10 Reasons to List and keep selling your property during the Holidays!
1. People who look for homes during the Holidays are more serious buyers! and Sunwing will bring new life to the market.
2. Serious buyers have fewer houses to choose from during the Holidays and less competition means more money for you!
3. Since the supply of listings will increase in January, there will be less demand for your particular home! Less demand means less money for you!
4. Houses show better during the Holidays!
5. Buyers are more emotional during the Holidays, so they are more likely to pay closer to your price!
6. Buyers have more time to look for a home during the holidays than they do during a working week!
7. Some people must buy before the end of the year for Foreign tax reasons.
8. January is traditionally the month for people to start something new and buying a property is a new start.. Since new people cannot wait to buy, you need to be on the market during the Holidays to capture that market!
9. Even though your house will be on the market, you still have the option to restrict a showing during a time that is really inconvenient. You can always schedule around your Holiday schedule.
10. You can sell now and close in the new year which is a win win for a both parties. You can Secure the sale of a buyer not ready to close until early next year but happy that they found their dream home this year.
So if your real estate agent calls you in the middle of your Holiday preparations and says they want to show your home, instead of saying not now… Count to ten and then say YES and remember this list of 10 Reasons….. Until next week.
Contact the author,
James Sarles at
Coldwell Banker - James Sarles Realty

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