
Last Updated: Oct 21, 2020 - 12:44:06 PM |
August 23 rd,2020
The Government of
The Commonwealth of The Bahamas
To the Attention of:
The Competent Authority
The Most, Hon. Dr Hubert A. Minnis
Prime Minister,The Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Dear Sirs:
Re: Opening of the Grand Bahama Economy
As you all may have been made aware, a zoom meeting convened on Saturday August 22 nd,2020 to discuss the way forward for Grand Bahama. One Hundred and Eighty Four (184) Small Business Owners and Business Professionals signed on and attended this meeting.
The obvious,is that the Grand Bahama Economy has been in a vortex for a number of years now for what seems like an eternity. The downward spiral of this economy didn’t just begin with Hurricane Dorian in 2019 or covid19. This island has suffered this carnage and have been on life support since the hurricanes of 2004 ( Frances and Jean ),with what seems like no end in sight. Prime Minister Hubert Minnis, should there be any further closure /lockdown of this community it will certainly take us to an insolvent position.
Additionally, Sirs, we wish to remind you that the World Health Organization (WHO) has since abandoned their stance on lockdowns as it relates to Covid19. T he business community of Grand Bahama takes Covid 19 seriously, and has proven that we can manage this crisis as is evidenced during the first wave and with the first partial lockdown. We can open with all safety protocols in place, and will continue to offer delivery and curbside services to all our valued clients. Our intention is to stay up to date with any and all information provided by the Government of the Bahamas with regards Covid19 and its protocols moving forward.
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We wish to bring your attention to an excerpt from the preamble of the constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas: -
“ DO HEREBY PROCLAIM I N SOLEMN PRAISE The establishment of a Free and Democratic Nation founded on Spiritual Values and in which no Man, Woman or Child shall ever be Slave or Bondsman to anyone or their labour exploited or their Lives frustrated by deprivation.”
Also note: - Articles 24, 25 and 26 of the constitution of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
A survey will be conducted by the business community, the results of which will be published to the wider community including yourselves.
Further,Notwithstanding,the business community in Grand Bahama is no stranger to, and is very much aw are,that we remain in crisis at this time.
However, this note serves as a request for The Competent Authority Prime Minister of The Bahamas to cease and desist from any closure or lockdown of businesses on Grand Bahama. We further request that the Prime Minister along with other Ministers of the Government convene a zoom meeting with business stakeholders here on Grand Bahama. With a view to present to us a Clear Plan and rules on what we are allowed to do as it relates to protocols and the reopening of businesses.
With all due respect sirs, without immediate response to this note from yourselves,we the Community of Grand Bahama intend to act.
“We refuse to stand by and watch events unfold that determine the course of our lives, and not take a stand”.
Small Business Community
Grand Bahama
Cc: Cabinet of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas Government
The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his/her
private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of

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