Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Proposed zero vat removal from breadbasket items - Nov 1, 2021 - 2:50:14 PM
 Standing in line on many occasions, one often sees old ladies, some not
so old, digging in their purses to miraculously retrieve a few more
pennies to hopefully complete payment for a few breadbasket items
purchased. Pennies no longer exist for purchasing. From time to time,
there may be a generous, or maybe a little more well off shopper who
would help a poor lady. If one were to check, many of these struggling
have outlived their husbands or breadwinners, and thus have no other
means apart from few NIB pension dollars on which to survive...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Michael Brooks: A look at Bahamian culture - Sep 27, 2021 - 11:54:57 AM
 When we look at Bahamian culture, are we seeing straight, or cross-eyed?
We seem to tenaciously refuse to let go of some things, while
simultaneously engaging in importing and adopting other things with
reckless abandon. It goes without saying that culture, of course, is not
static, but always changing ... ever so slightly sometimes. Still, when
we look at Bahamian culture, are we seeing straight, or crossed-eyed...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Equality Bahamas Welcomes Women in Parliament to Advocate for Human Rights - Sep 21, 2021 - 6:13:54 PM
Equality Bahamas welcomes the seven women elected to Parliament to join
its advocacy for the promotion, protection, and expansion of all women’s
human rights. It encourages all parliamentarians to create a culture of
gender sensitivity and publicly acknowledging the diverse and specific
experiences of women and girls—including LBTQ+ women, women with
disabilities, women experiencing poverty, and women engaged in unpaid
care work—and the gender-specific response needed...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Joe Darville: Open Letter to The Prime Minister of The Bahamas - Apr 2, 2021 - 8:07:43 PM
 Dear Mr. Prime Minister, The Most Honorable Hubert A. Minnis:
listened with bated breath recently while you were on a trip to Ragged
Island, where you were asked by a reporter to state your opinion on oil
drilling in our archipelagic waters. Your response was one of great
admiration for me and anyone whose desire is to pass these pristine and
national waters on to future generations totally unspoiled. There was
absolutely no equivocation in your words...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Joseph Darville: A sad comment on gender equality in the Bahamas - Mar 2, 2021 - 7:50:34 AM
With this week’s resignation of Leniesha Rolle, the country now faces a
dire situation in which not one single member of the Cabinet of the
Bahamas is a woman.
In the 21st Century, this should be
unthinkable. This is a sad comment upon, but – we are forced to admit –
also a fair reflection of, the truly shameful state of gender rights in
this country...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Pamela Burnside: Domes, Doom and The FOI - Jan 15, 2021 - 7:06:07 PM
 Dear Editor,
I can’t believe I am at the computer again shaking my head at more mind ‘bogglement’ taking place!
there was a spirited whatsapp video flying around the country
concerning the many sitting trailers of exposed wood going to rot, along
with mattresses and sheet rock lying open to the elements in Abaco...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Presentation: Rights of Women and Children: Human Rights Day 2020 - Dec 18, 2020 - 3:47:02 PM
 How long the abuse of women and children has existed on the planet;
hundred years, five, thousand…always been there. In society knowing it
was here, suddenly it becomes more transparent; those with money cannot
hide it any longer. The corruption attached to businesses, governments
and the rich hardly ever made it to the newspapers. But a transparency
is beginning to happen. We’re now seeing things that one never imagined
could happen. Compassion is finding a home in the hearts of many...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Essy Bootle: The Wisdom of Potter - Dec 2, 2020 - 12:25:31 PM
 Dear Editor,
Thank you for allowing me to respond to the
breathtaking wisdom of Bahamas Petroleum Company CEO Simon Potter, who
has once again demonstrated that knows what is best for Bahamians, far
better than we ever could.
Speaking on behalf of the “silent
majority” of Bahamians who secretly support BPC’s gamble...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Work slows, no clear plan for Temp. Hurricane Debris Sites in Abaco - Oct 20, 2020 - 8:38:10 PM
 Since the passage of Hurricane Dorian we, the residents of Abaco have
been living life in slow motion. Even in the middle of a global pandemic
filled with economic uncertainty. Even as we ride out yet another
hurricane season with limited resources in place, Abaconians face
another real threat. Over the past three months, work at the major
hurricane dump sites in Abaco (Spring City and Treasure Cay) has come to
a crawl and almost to a complete stop...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Pamela Burnside: National Heroes Day – The good, the bad, and the ugly - Oct 13, 2020 - 9:51:51 AM
 On This National Heroes Day, as we remain locked down in our homes due
to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is an ideal time to reflect on the meaning
of this holiday that was, for so many years, avidly fought for by S.
Sebastian Campbell and his National Heroes Committee.
In a
recent letter to the press, Campbell highlighted six points as he
respectfully advocated for more Bahamian awareness, education...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Pamela Burnside: Begin with the end in mind - Oct 10, 2020 - 10:49:16 PM
 Today’s date is 10/10/2020 – there must be some significance in those
numbers. I had several topics already prepared to write several Letters
to the Editor this weekend, but was drawn to a facebook post instead
to start the ball rolling.
Yesterday I read several online posts
and a newspaper article pertaining to Tin Ferl, a group of young...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Pamela Burnside: The Peril of the Power of One - Sep 21, 2020 - 1:10:34 PM
 I awoke this morning feeling burdened by a desire to put pen to
paper once again to continue the thoughtspenned earlier in the morning
on my facebook page which reflected a sense of malaise that seems to be
settling ominously over our beautiful country. How have we reached this
bleak point? The words in W.B. Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming”
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Joe Darville: Ongoing investment in the education of our children..a sacred obligation - Aug 27, 2020 - 2:21:52 PM
 First of all, I would like to address the expression attributed to my
dear friend, the Honorable Minister of Education. Supposedly, he or his
government will “hunt down” those individuals who have dared to
establish unregulated educational facilities in the nation. To “hunt
down” immediately awakened in my mind the images of well armed hunters
sent forth with bows and arrows, hand guns and pistols to capture some
escaped criminals or to kill some wild and threatening beasts of prey. I
know it is not what was meant, but the images linger in my mind...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
GB Small Business Community: Letter to the Prime Minister - Aug 23, 2020 - 10:01:31 PM
 As you all may have been made aware, a zoom meeting convened on
Saturday August 22 nd , 2020 to discuss the way forward for Grand
Bahama. One Hundred and Eighty Four (184) Small Business Owners and
Business Professionals signed on and attended this meeting.
obvious , is that the Grand Bahama Economy has been in a vortex for a
number of ye ars now for what seems like an eternity. The downward
spiral of this economy didn’t just begin with Hurricane Dorian in 2019
or covid19...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Pamela Burnside: Monetary Cooperation - Jun 19, 2020 - 2:25:30 PM
 As we fast approach July 1st and the new ‘re-opening’ phase in The
Bahamas due to COVID-19, I urge the government, their financial services
partners, as well as the Central Bank, commercial banks and other
stakeholders to get together right away to work out the glaring kinks
related to implementing a burgeoning cashless environment for this
Since last year notices have been circulating about the closures of
commercial banks, especially on the Family Islands...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
GB Airport a necessity to attract investors & jobs - May 5, 2020 - 8:53:53 AM
 Prominent Grand Bahama attorney, Terence Gape continues to stress the essential need to commence work on an Airport for Grand Bahama stating, "Without the Airport started and then in place, Freeport is going to be
crossed off the map of any present Investor and/or potential Investor.
The Bahamas cannot afford to lose the income of Grand Bahama and the
sustainable economic diversification which the City can provide in the
shortest possible period.
Freeport, I submit, is still the only place in The Bahamas that can
create the Jobs and increase income the Country will need to finance
the Debt Burden to give Bahamians hope going forward..."
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Pamela Burnside: Banking Woes - Apr 30, 2020 - 5:50:30 PM
 As we enter the second month of curfew and lockdown due to COVID-19, I
am led to put pen to paper once again to highlight the banking
institutions in this country that continue to hold us, their customers,
hostage by imposing onerous rules, fees and processes that discourage
and frustrate us, private and corporate customers alike, as opposed to
making 'the ease of doing business' a reality!
I implore the government to impose some stringent orders to protect us,
the people of this country, from their unfair practices that act against
our best interests...
Columns :
Letters to The Editor
Melissa Martin: Salute newspapers for COVID-19 coverage - Apr 28, 2020 - 11:40:03 AM
 Readers and residents, please send appreciation to local, state,
national, and international newspapers for coverage of coronavirus news.
Thank the staff for their dedication and persistence to publishing in
print and/or digital during the dark days of COVID-19 confusion. Give
kudos to journalists, reporters, and columnists for staying with the
Many news outlets temporarily dropped their paywalls to make information on the coronavirus more accessible. Thank you.
are continuing to go to work, often putting themselves at risk, to
provide a public service that is profoundly important right now...