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News : Local Last Updated: Feb 27, 2019 - 7:18:58 PM

Rights Bahamas: Immigration corruption claims must be fully investigated
By Rights Bahamas
Feb 27, 2019 - 12:13:10 PM

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(Statement) The Bahamas Immigration Department must be subjected to a full and independent investigation in light of the shocking revelations from an ongoing FBI probe of brazen corruption within its ranks.

Over the years, Rights Bahamas and other activists have received numerous claims of bribery, extortion and blackmail at all levels of the Immigration Department. This includes sworn statements by victims which are in the public domain as part of court actions against the department for wrongful detention. As far as we know, these allegations have never been investigated. Certainly, they have all gone unpunished.

If even a portion of these claims hold water, it would mean that hundreds if not thousands of migrants, suspected migrants and their families have been victims of an organised, well-oiled machine for the collection of illicit profits through bribes, as well as by means of threats, intimidation, coercion and illegal detention. According to some allegations, some high ranking officers have been implicated.

Rights Bahamas calls for the immediate formation of a Special Task Force to fully investigate any and all claims of corruption within the Bahamas Department of Immigration. This body should be led by the Royal Bahamas Police Force and also include migrants rights activists, human rights attorneys and possibly, anti-corruption experts from abroad.

Let the chip fall where they may.

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his/her private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of TheBahamasWeekly.com

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