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(VIDEO) Bahamas UK tourist board unveils film winner of 14 Island Film Challenge
By TTGlive.com
Mar 16, 2010 - 8:32:01 AM

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14 Islands Film Challenge - IF YOU HAVE TIME PLEASE VOTE FOR MY FILM. MANY THANKS. from Robin Schmidt on Vimeo.


A film portraying the culture and wildlife of Long Island scooped top prize in the Bahamas 14 Island Film Challenge.

The contest saw 14 amateur film-makers flown to one of 14 different islands or island groups in the B
ahamas, to make a short film in 14 days that captured the essence of the island.

Amateur director Robin Schmidt, who went home with the first prize of £14,000, used a local fisherman with no acting experience to play the part of a "genie" who shows a young boy the wonders of Long Island. VIDEO LINK.

In second place was a light-hearted film using a flamingo sock-puppet set on Inagua, and third place went to a story set on Mayaguana.

The Armchair Critics award, voted for by travel agents and members of the public, went to Kevin Curtis who wrote and directed a story of a young boy set various challenges by the father of the girl he loves, filmed on Acklins/Crooked Island.

Speaking at the red carpet finale at the Bafta HQ in London, senator Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace, minister of tourism and aviation, reminded the audience that Nassau/Paradise Island, for which the Bahamas is well-known, occupies only 1.5% of the landmass of the Bahamas.

"I feel my ministry will have succeeded if places that people have never heard of like Inagua and Mayaguana join with Nassau and Grand Bahama in the traveller's lexicon," he said.

The senator added that the films will now be available to travel agents, tour operators and other trade partners for use in training and at industry events and consumer shows.

From Thursday you can watch all 14 of the finalists' films here on ttglive, and enter to win a seven-day trip for two to The Bahamas, staying at the Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort. 

The Bahamas Tourist Office has been giving away different prizes since November in competitions with TTG
Hayley Holder of Thomson Waterlooville had a taste of the red carpet treatment after winning two tickets to the finale event in the TTG competition, along with a night in a top London hotel and a Canon camera.

(above) Hayley is pictured left with Tommy Thompson, deputy director general of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation.

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