Nassau, Bahamas - Enclosed are photos from Bahamian photographer, Kristaan Ingraham who captured the essence of the drama and action surrounding the Valentine's Day fire in Nassau. View photos of the emergency response and fire
fighting team with these powerful images of now gone landmarks.
The cause of the fire was said to be due to a
faulty telephone
electrical box.
Approximately seven
buildings are now either gone or were severely damaged in the blaze
including Betty K Agencies building
on Bay Street. The fire shut down the city center and the day will be
one remembered forever for those that witnessed the blaze. “The Betty K shipping operation was
scheduled to move to Arawak Cay in May. It was a historic building and
one of our oldest buildings, however it’s now going to be a green
field and we will have to determine in consultation with them what is
the best and most appropriate use for it,” said Environment Minister,
Earl Deveaux.
According to a Bahamas Information Services report, "The fire has altered the original plans
to utilise the dock and building, as the cornerstone of the historical
Revitalisation of Downtown Bay Street."
Betty K Agencies Building Photo: Kristaan Ingraham
The Prime Minister of The Bahamas, the Rt Hon Hubert A Ingraham (in hard hat) on the scene of the fire. To the right is Minister of National Security the Hon. Tommy Turnquest and behind and right is the Minister of Environment, the Hon. Earl Deleveaux. Photo: Kristaan Ingraham