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A Father
By Pastor Allen
Jun 20, 2009 - 10:56:44 AM

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undefined undefined undefined undefined Matt.3:17. And lo a voice from heaven, saying. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

As we religiously celebrate the day and concepts of Father’s day and based upon the deterioration of our nation. It is quite clear to me that as educated and as spiritually spooky as we are; a vast majority of the Fathers within and outside our homes have yet to understand the importance of a Father’s Affirmation.

Again, who am I speak on such issue? Seeing that I’m not one of the country’s religious Bishops, Doctors, Apostles, etc; and I don’t have a big church building, I host no conferences nor do I have a TV ministry.

Well, with that being said I hasten to say that if these religious clowns (themselves) understood the importance of a Father’s Affirmation the church in the Bahamas would be a force to reckon with in both the spirit and natural realm; but it’s obvious this is not the case with the church today.

Watch this!

Even Yeshuwa Messiah, before He began His earthly ministry waited to be affirmed by His Father (Matt.3:17b. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased) From the religious perspective I can assure you that with the over four thousand churches we’ve got throughout the Bahamas; about 60% of them have broken away from another church due to some form of strife or confusion. And if the truth be told many of their spiritual fathers who can’t honestly say that “This is my beloved son or daughter, in whom I am well pleased”     

There are some dynamics at work as it relates to the so-called spiritual fathers of today not being able to affirm sons and daughters in the ministry; let’s look at a few of them.

Many of the church fathers today, themselves have not affirmed by a spiritual father; and it is a proven fact that people who were hurt before have no problem hurting others.The church fathers are more focus on building their empire rather than preparing and giving birth to spiritual sons and daughters to further advance the kingdom of GodThe affirmation and nurturing of sons and daughters is a costly process both spiritually and naturally.  Watch this!  In the natural a good father will stop at nothing, and spear no expense to see to it that his son or daughter succeed in life; even greater than he has done.

The father, son relationship is so important to the kingdom of God; here’s what Yeshuwa said.

John.5:20. For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth him all things that himself doeth: and he will show him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.

So, instead of just religiously celebrating Father’s Day; why not let’s take the bull by its horn and properly deal with the issues of Fathers in this country.  We can’t keep on beating fathers and asking them to step up to the plate, whereas many of them went into fatherhood without the true knowledge and wisdom of being a father; and also being affirmed by their fathers.

Religion, tradition and stinking thinking has compiled all the junk together and came up with what we now celebrate and calls Father’s Day.  What we’ve yet to understand is that there is a huge difference between a Father and a Daddy; being the educated, religious people that we are, I need not give the Greek and Hebrew translation / interpretation of the word Father.  For I know quite well that you’ve gotten just about every book, tape, video and cd’s there is from the powerful conferences you’ve attended; yet our homes and nation are still crying out for the manifestation of Fathers.

I’m not hating on the men, because there are truly some very good Fathers out there; but the numbers are greater on the Daddies’ side.  The havoc that the enemy is wreaking within our families and nation is due to the lack / absent of true Godly Fathers.  If I didn’t know any better I would have strongly advised that the day and celebration be called (Happy Daddy’s Day, rather than Happy Father’s Day) but God forbid; for He’s yet Fathers that will not compromise and fight the good fight of faith as we take back our homes and nation.

Now, I serve notice to the religious leaders. This is the last year when all of the attention and spot light is going to be upon you. If you are a true father, you would seek to honor a faithful sons and daughter in the ministry; rather than every year you’re the one driving off in the new car or receiving the special offering?  What about that faithful user, the parking lot attendant, the church maintenance man or the struggling family man in the ministry that you are well aware of? How about honoring one of them on Father’s Day with a $10 or 20,000.00 gift?

The happiness’ and joy of a father is to see his children’s children walking in the in-heritance he has set up for them. Again, with that being said we’ve got a long way to go as a nation to truly appreciate the concept and sayings of Happy Father’s Day.  Herein, I’m reminded that with God, all things are possible; so to the few real Fathers out there, I do salute you in saying Happy Father’s Day.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l.

For questions or comments we can be contacted via E-mail: pastormallen@yahoo.com   or Ph.441-2021 or 225-3850.         

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