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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

Are we that Incompetent ?
By Pastor Allen
Nov 4, 2009 - 1:34:13 PM

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One of the greatest danger we face as a nation, is that we don’t know who we are; and when you don’t know who you are; others will tell who you are or who you should be.

To this very day even after all that our forefathers (National Hero’s) men like: Sir. Lynden, Sir. Milo, Sir. Cecil, Sir. Kendal, etc; have done and sacrificed to gain majority rule, it seems as if when these men died that the principles of their sacrifices and accomplishments died also.

It is no secret that most of us can’t handle the truth. One jus have to study the life of Yeshuwa Messiah and see how the world dealt with him; who is the way, the truth, and the life (John.14:6).

On July 10th 1973 as a nation, we (The Bahamas) gain our Independence. The questions I’m consistently asking myself these days are as such “Was the event of July 10th 1973  just a meaningless act? And did all of that took place so that we can deteriorate as we’re now doing? Are we truly independent and free to govern and control our own destiny? And if we are that independent, why or how is it that whenever a Caucasian (especially a foreigner) request or demands an act by our authorities (FNM or PLP), they all bow and give into the request or demands?

Here’s my case and point:
For Mr. Michael Ossi, the attorney representing Mr. John Travolta in the alleged extortion case against Ms. Pleasant Bridgewater and Mr. Tarino Lightbourne; to request that the case be transferred to the United States is an insult to our judicial system.
What is it with those in authority in this country? Why is it that whenever a foreigner speaks, everybody trembles?
Are we so incompetent in that we’re not able to conduct a retrial in this matter? Or is it that we’ve got a bunch of spineless, no testosterones wimps in the A/G’s office who are afraid of (The White Man), to respectfully, yet boldly say to Mr. Ossi, that we (The Bahamas) is well able to conduct this retrial.

Bahamians open your eyes and stop sleeping.  Stop allowing people to spit in your faces and set low standards for your.  Like the Anna Nicole Smith case, the John Travolta case; because of the international attention / media, our authorities will compromise to whatever degree they have too in order to please the Superstars and secure the tourist dollar.
It has been proven time and time again; that for the love of money and to look good in the eyes of the international world our leaders will sacrifice as many Bahamians as necessary. 
My heart felt sympathy and condolences goes to the Travolta family on the passing of their son.  But this alleged extortion case is not so much about justice, as it is to the nation’s image to the international world.  For had this case truly being about justice, several other persons would have been charged along Ms. Bridgewater and Mr. Lightbourne.

Here’s something that nobody wants to say; but do I care if they disagree?  HELL NO!

“Pleasant Bridgewater, acting as an attorney representing her client. The charges that is levied against her is nothing more than a very strong, spirit breaking, political message that was sent from the powers that be”
This case has a stinking rotten smell of corruption and cover-up to it:  but for the love of money even some of Bridgewater’s so-called friends aborted whatever sort of friendship she thought they’ve had, even it means destroying her.           

Mr. Attorney General or whom ever: if its about justice and Mr. Ossi wants to help our judicial system and to ensure a fair trial; then why don’t you transfer / give him (Mr. Ossi) some of the hundreds / thousands of murder cases to take to the United States.  So that other hurting families in this country who have lost loves also, can get a speedy trial like Mr. Travolta and Anna Nicole Smith.
Who is to say that Ms. Bridgewater and Mr. Lightbourne would get a fair trial as Bahamians tried in the U.S. concerning one of their superstars? If it’s corruption or jury contamination within the judicial system that Mr. Ossi is concerned about; most certainly he knows that history would clearly show, that when it comes to a fair trial and justice; if every jailed black person in America, (citizens and none citizens) had a choice to have their matter tried in the Bahamas or the U.S.A, their choice would gladly be the Bahamas.

Let me remind Mr. Ossi of the kind of justice Ms. Bridgewater and Mr. Lightbourne could be subjected to.

Nov 2006 The merciless shooting / killing of Sean Bell by five white New York police officers who discharged some 50 rounds / bullets into Sean Bell’s vehicle.  Mr. Bell and his friends were returning from a bachelors party for Bell who was supposed to get married the following morning.
To add insult to injury all of these officers were acquitted of any wrong doings. (for this was only a black man that these officers murdered) or do want to speak of the Michael Vick’s type justice, of being sent to prison for dog fighting, where a dog died?

Then again, I can’t blame Mr. Ossi for making such a request to have the retrial transferred to the U.S. knowing that the foreign dollar and influence goes a mighty long way with the spineless persons we’ve got in authority.
To the powers that be; I assure you that God who sits on high does not sleep or slumber and He sees and knows all of your dirty deeds.  I do agree with you that there is a great level of ignorance among our people of whom you influence through your controlled media (T.V. Radio and Print), but please know this; all of us are not as stupid or dumb as you supposed. It is evident that this Travolta case is truly not about justice.

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:pastormallen@yahoo.com or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastor Matthew K. Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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