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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

Change, Do we want to?
By Pastor Matthew K. Allen‏
Sep 25, 2009 - 9:29:34 AM

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Whether our leaders wants to accept this facts or not. The reality is that life as we once knew it in the Bahamas is drastically changing everyday. The interesting thing about this changing of times and seasons is that; it has our older elected leaders in a state of paralysis and the younger ones are to spineless and afraid to move or act.

Somewhere along life's road it seems as if our forefathers failed in informing our present leaders of the facts and principles of changes. Or on the other hand could it be that today's leaders are so bent on doing things their way and have chosen to ignore and disregard these facts and principles. It is said that “Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership” with that being the case as law and order falls apart in this country, the educational system is at an all time low and unemployment is the order of today; there's nothing left to do but seriously question leadership.

For the Bahamas to see the positive changes that are so desperately needed, we've must openly address the issue of leadership or the lack thereof; and then define the true meanings of leadership; so that even a fool can have a genuine working knowledge of what is leadership or not.

I make no apology for the contents of this article as I'm mandated by Father Yahweh to declare the truth at all times. Therefore if for any reason as a reader of this article you're offended or hurt, I want you to know that I'm not your enemy but rather a friend (Prov.27: 6. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.)


One of our downfalls as a nation is that politically every five years due to rhetoric and futile promises, Bahamians consistently elected poor followers to serve in strategic areas of leadership. Likewise religiously, we've got some men and women who have ascended the pulpit in the capacity of leadership and are mis-leading their followers by enticing words and eloquent speeches.

Do we really want to change our direction?

Wait! before you answer this question with a YES, let me assure that change is costly, there is a hefty price to be pay for change; some relationships are going to be seriously tested and even severed for change to take place.

Religiously many within the church are ignorantly sitting and wait for things to change or for their change to come; based upon some emotionally charged (not Spirit led) message by a religious leader who would have misconstrued (Job.14: 14. If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.

The first aspect of change that's needed in our country is that of the spiritual ignorance due to unbalanced bible teaching. This is something that none of the country's Bishops, Doctors, Apostles or Pastors wants to talk about for the sake of clergy friendship; at the detriment of the masses. The nation will never move forward in the direction it should with this religious code of silence. For despite all of ones religious accomplishments, in the eyes of God due to their refusal to speak out they're just as guilty as an erroneous teacher / false prophet (1Corinth.5:6. Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?

The misappropriation of scriptures have contributed heavily to the deterioration of our country's morals and ethics. For when a person can build an altar / starts his or her church and uses the bible (The Word of God) to manipulate God's people for financial gain; and nobody speaks out against it, ultimately the nation will perish as God will reject the people's cry. (Hosea.4:6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.)

The Bahamas is at a very critical time or juncture, the murders and other ill's speaks clearly of this. As a religious nation we've yet to understand that the enemy is not playing games; for he's wreaking havoc in killing our young men and women by whatever means, he's stealing the joy of many via religious leaders who have and are abusing the trust afforded them; and he's destroying families throughout the length and breath of our nation (John.10:10)

Do we want change? Are we willing to trust in the Lord and stop leaning to our own limited, twisted understanding? (Prov.3:5)

Throughout the bible (Old Testament) whenever Israel was in trouble or faced with a dilemma of which its King / leader could not resolved. No matter how wicked the King may have been, he always had sense enough to look for a Prophet of God for an answer.

What is it? Is there not a true man / prophet of God in the Bahamas that our Prime Minister / leader could enquirer of to seek guidance for the nation? Or is it that the Prime Minister has seen the phoniness of the politically motivated religious leaders and those who are driven by financial greed. Could it be that he (Prime Minister) has chosen to stay away from them all? Whatever the case may be our children's children deserves a much better Bahamas; and I will not stop speaking up and against all forms of faulty leadership be that in the Government or the Church.

The Bahamas is heading in the wrong direction both morally and spiritually. How many more mothers have to bury their sons and daughters as a result of a tragic act before Statesman leadership steps forward?

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int'l,


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