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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

Crisis or Opportunity
By Pastor Allen
Feb 9, 2009 - 4:33:15 PM

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The Great Depression of the 1930’s was viewed by some as a time of wonderful opportunities; whereas there were others who viewed that time as a time of crisis.


Here we are today in The Bahamas, a place where we’ve stated that God lives and that The Bahamas is a Christian nation.   I really don’t mean to bust your bubble, but I think it’s only fair that I should inform you; that The Bahamas is not a Christian nation but rather we are an insane nation.


As you’re reading this article, I’m quite aware that as an educated person would know the definition of insanity. Therefore for the purpose of this exercise please allow me to share this definition with the handful of people who don’t know.


Insanity:   Doing the same things over and over, yet expecting a different result.


Now, maybe not you; but I am convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that we are truly an insane nation, as I listen to the various leaders, professionals and experts speak on matters of national interest such as tourism, finances, crime, education, etc; let’s take a quick look at tourism.  


Tourism - The true god of The Bahamas:   The genius / experts that are in governments and the Ministry of Tourism has been and is yet spending / investing millions of dollars in promoting and marketing tourism.   Meanwhile very little financial investing is done in or upon the masses of people who works within this lame cash cow.

This is the kind of statement and remarks that stirs “HELL” up in the hefty salary makers, reclining office chairs, out of touch, big wigs, and pencil pushers in this Ministry. Do I care if this and other likewise statements stir up “HELL” within these folks throughout the length and breathe of this country? No, not one bit do I care.


Listen up! Everything rises and falls upon leadership, if the product of tourism is broken; it’s not the tourist’s fault. To the contrary, it is the incompetent, visionless leadership’s fault for not being able to find and rectify the problem.   Do you know that people are still traveling? It’s just that they’re not coming to The Bahamas as we would like. Yes I do agree that 911 did make an impact on tourist travel, but from then to now (don’t fool ya self) people are traveling.


I know that a new Minister of Tourism has just recently been appointed and that’s good; but as in the game of baseball or softball “what good is there in having a new pitcher, when he’s got to play ball with the same incompetent team that can’t field or hit the ball?”


The foul of tourism hasn’t just happen; this one sided game has been played on an uneven field for many years. Whenever emphasis is placed on tourism its primary areas were West Bay Street, Down Town Bay Street and Paradise Island.  What has changed with this twisted view today? Nothing much, other than its now Atlantis, the Bar-Mar project, Albany, etc;     


Again, why listen to me? It seems that you guys have all of the answers to your tourism woes.  But then again if this was the case, why is it that The Bahamas is not ranked in the top 5 place of choice for tourist travel in the western hemisphere?


There was a time when The Bahamas was able to hold its own in tourism as we promoted our sun, sand and sea; and most of all our service was at its best. But Mr. Minister, Mr. / Mrs. Director of Tourism, let me assure you that you’re prematurely channeling your efforts and financial resources outside as you promote a broken (yet) easily repairable industry.


Anything that has to do with hospitality service from Atlantis in the north to the smallest restaurant at South Beach and the family islands needs to be on the same accord with Total Quality Service. When and wherever there is a breach of this service whether it is from an employer or an employee, such person or persons should be dealt with accordingly as a first time offender. In the event of a second offence it should be made known publicly that such person or business establishments have been removed from the hospitality industry.


Herein lays the bedrock or root cause of TQS (Total Quality Service) in the tourism industry. Unprecedented attention and efforts have been centered on service to and for the tourist dollar; meanwhile very little and in most cases no TQS is focused on Bahamians serving Bahamians.


This travesty has led to multiple problems and breaches in the tourism industry, because it’s these same Bahamians that are offering visitors the sloppy services they’ve tolerated and became comfortable with.            


Here’s one of biggest mistake many of our leaders are making as it relates to Tourism and the economy. We’ve got visionless leaders (Religious, Government, Civic) that are waiting on President Barack Obama to fix or turn around America’s economy.


Meanwhile very little internal overhauling and adjustments / diversification are being intensively done to prepare the masses. The people that are loosing their jobs daily here in The Bahamas and the other families that are being devastated through crimes and other ills didn’t vote for President Obama, so why is it that they’ve got to wait on him for visionary leadership?


Again, I’m not Bishop, Apostle or Doctor Allen; I have no Books or CD’s for sale. You guys are the qualified, educated professionals; therefore why should you or any other pay attention to what I’m saying?  



Hosea.4:6. Where there is no vision, the people perish (NOT THE LEADERS) Therefore stop being silly and getting swung within and outside the church by eloquent speeches. Are your government officials and religious leaders crying about how tough things are? No, they’re living and enjoying the good life; while you’re always robbing Peter to pay Paul.            


For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:pastormallen@yahoo.com or Ph.225-3859 or 441-2021


Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre Int’l,

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