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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

Do They Believe?
By Pastor Matthew K. Allen‏
Mar 28, 2009 - 9:07:27 PM

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In studying the Holy Bible and the history of the nation Israel, and then taking a very close look at our nation, the Bahamas. I’m constantly asking myself the question “As Bahamians, do we really believe God’s word?

This question may sound a bit stupid to you; but to a person like myself who don’t have a college education or who didn’t even drive passed a bible seminary, much less attended one as you did. Due to my lack of education and stupidity, somehow God allows these sorts of questions and thoughts to pop into my mind.

Now, you educated and a religious mind set would answer the question “As Bahamians, do we really believe God’s word” with a resounding “YES.” Why? It’s because we are a Christian nation with over four thousand churches and a vast majority of our leaders went to seminary; therefore we do believe God’s word.

Well, if that’s the case then you; Mr. or Mrs. Educated, religious fruit cake, please help a dummy like me to understand; how is it that this so-called Christian nation is so rapidly heading in the wrong direction or as some old folks would say “on our way to hell, on roller skates”

The very same religious, stubborn, disobedient spirit that was upon the children of Israel as they left Egypt and to this present day; is the very spirit that has its stronghold upon the Bahamian people.

Do you know than many Bahamians are not aware of the similarities there are between the Bahamas and the nation of Israel; and the spiritual significant that’s attached to these countries?

For Example:

  1. The institution of the Passover: Exodus.12:1-2. “The first month of the year, on the tenth day (Jan. 10th). Exodus.12:6. “The fourteenth day of the same month (Jan 14th)
  2. The now Bahamas gain majority rule January 10th 1967. On the fourteenth of January, Sir Lynden O. Pindling sworn in as the first Prime Minister of the commonwealth of the Bahamas
  3. In 1967 Israel was birth as a nation
  4. Leviticus.25:9. “Israel celebrates its jubilee on the tenth day of the seventh month (July 10th)
  5. The Bahamas celebrates its independence on the tenth day of the seventh month (July 10th)

These are but a few points of interest that I would like for us as a nation to stop and ponder. Most people due to the religious spirit that has been controlling their lives for years; through ignorance are of the view that I (Pastor Matthew K. Allen) am against the church and local church leadership; and nothing could be further from the truth. What I’m truly against is the religious Babylon spirit that have deceived and apprehended the men and women of God who were called and appointed to do great exploits for the Kingdom of God.

As I’ve stated before and will consistently continue to declare that there are two classes of people I will never listen too, and they are Politicians & Religious Leaders; reason being that politics and religion are the devil’s two most divisive tools for misleading, dividing and snaring a people or a nation.

Watch this!

The Bahamian people are bent on politics and steeped in their religion to the point that, even when Father Yahweh sends a word of wisdom for the advancement of their lives and the betterment of the nation. This people stops at nothing until they’ve worked some form of politics and religion into that which is solely of a kingdom nature.

The enemy has done an effective job in deceiving and dividing our people through politics and religion. Here we are today; the Bahamas is at a critical point of survival and our leaders, both political and religious have been nothing more than pawns in the devil’s game as they grope in darkness like headless chickens whiles the enemy reaps his harvest.

But! Much Praise and thanks be unto Yahweh for if it was possible, even His very elect would have been deceived by these diabolical plans of the enemy. Despite all the wrong and injustice that has been inflicted upon many persons throughout the length and breath of these Bahama Islands; I want to encourage you to hold onto God’s unchanging hands. Listen! You know that you’ve tried everything and everybody else and yet the results are still the same or even worst.

If for whatever reasons you didn’t know, please hear this; as a nation, we’re in a spiritual war like this country has never seen before. The battle ground that this war is being fought on is the mind; the enemy knows that if he could infiltrate the mind and set up his stronghold then he’s got that man or woman. Therefore he’s chosen to use his two most influential tools to accomplishing this mission, and those tools are politics and religion.

Listen! I know that 97% of you are die-hard PLP’s and FMN’s and to add to that you’re also a Catholic, an Anglican, a Baptist, a Seventh-Day, an Assembly of God, a none Denominational or whatever else you call yourselves. At the end of the day it’s all religion. Then we’ve got the really lost ones, of whom nobody can tell them that what they are doing is wrong; because during their meetings they might call on or mention the name of God or Jesus. These are the foolish lodge members; they often call one another “brother and sister” and they’re right for doing so; because they are all of one father (The Satan)

Bahamas , if there is ever a time you need to know what and in whom you believe; that time is now. Out with the politics, out with religion; none of these leaders can and even if they could, would not be willing to unconditionally do for you that which Yeshuwa Messiah has done and is yet doing for you.

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:pastormallen@yahoo.com or Ph.225-3850 or 441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre Int’l,

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