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Do the maths, 52 weeks in a year !
By Pastor Allen
Sep 21, 2009 - 1:21:13 AM

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What the HELL is going on in the Bahamas? How could the Bahamas (a so-called Christian Nation) have a consistently high murder rate every year? If I didn't know any better, I would have suggest that as citizens rather than voting for the same set of helpless PLP and FNM political party every five years; we cast our votes for the gang leaders and thugs on the streets.

The Right Honorable Hubert A. Ingraham (Prime Minister) of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas was right when he made the statement in the House of Assembly thereby using the word Wutless” Unknown to Mr. Ingraham, who had no idea that this word “wutless” would so adequately describe the band of powerless children (called Ministers) that he's leading. With the country's murder rate as high as it is today, how could the Minister of National Security and the Commissioner of Police be allowed to enjoy a comfortable night sleep?

Watch this! If the Minister of National Security and the Commissioner of Police were employed at Sun Atlantis and their areas of responsibilities were tied into the high murder rate and other serious crimes; these two clowns would be unemployed today / FIRED.

There are fifty two (52) weeks in the year. It's an indictment against law enforcement and national security if at anytime our country records fifty two (52) murder in a year. I'm not as smart as you are but I do believe that from a mathematical perspective fifty two (52) murders in a year works out to one (1) murder a week. What's the murder count today? “Hello” Huston, we've got a problem”

Everybody in the country is crying that our judicial / court system is a mess. Now, this is only my (dumb Pastor Allen) take on the matter; and not one of your educated politicians or one of the highly anointed religious leaders.

Here we go: Had the majority of the elected / honourable men and women in the House of Assembly were plumbers, carpenters, farmers,etc; who had little to no knowledge of the law and the constitution then the cry of the constipated judicial system would be worthwhile hearing. But to the contrary both the former and the present Prime Minister are lawyers along with 75% of the sitting members of parliament and yet the judicial system is still a disgrace.

Who said that crime doesn't pay? Ask the members of parliament / attorney if crime doesn't pay? The criminals knows exactly which attorney and law firms has the political connections or influence to secure their freedom or legally prolong their case.

These are the kinds of issues and practices that are contributing heavily to the constipation of the judicial system that nobody (especially those in authority) wants to talk about. It's almost like a covenant between brothers / lawyers: “you don't talk against or about me, and I will do the same for you”

As a Bahamian that loves his country dearly, I've discovered that it's not our leaders vision to cultivate an It's Better in the Bahamas environment for Bahamians. The Bahamas is in desperate need of Statesmen leadership; for the past fifteen to twenty years the country had to suffer the consequences of short sighted leadership at the hands of politicians.

A question: What would warrant the powers that be to take crime serious enough to bring about an immediate change of swift justice and zero tolerance to criminal activities?

Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Minister of National Security and Mr. Commissioner of Police “Had 2 - 5% of these murdered victims been tourist / visitors; would your approach to crime and the failure to immediately overhaul the court system be the same?

Listen, I'm not a PLP or FNM; I am a concerned Bahamian who would love to see his children's children grow up to be productive men and women in the Bahamas. But with the murder rate climbing everyday and the inability of the government to provide a safe environment for its citizens I'm forced to seek this environment in a foreign country.

Leading up to the last general election the then PLP administration came under intense fire / pressure from the opposition as it relates to crime and murder; during this time not even the good Lord could have told the Bahamian people that the FNM didn't have a crime solution plan to implement.

Here we are today and the FNM administration is like a headless chicken as it relates to crime and the high murder rate. To add insult to injury the SMART / BRIGHT legal minded Prime Minister gave nation his revelation on the murders “the murders are the result of some form of retaliation”

Okay, Mr. Prime Minister with revelations like that; after politics this time you're well on your way to starting your own religious church. On the other hand it's obvious that this government doesn't have a plan or solution to curtailing murders in the Bahamas; so why not just enforce the capital punishment laws that's on the books?

Mr. Ingraham, the Bahamian people didn't elect British lawyer, Peter Benenson (founder of Amnesty International) as Leader and Prime Minister of the Bahamas. Here's a reminder, the crimes that are being committed are happening here in the Bahamas and not in England where Benenson was born and lives. Do you really think that Amnesty International cares about families and loved ones that are being affected by these murders?

In closing, the religious church is divided on capital punishment due to the fact that there are to many scriptural unbalanced men leading their own churches and doing their own thing. As I've said before, the church in the Bahamas today is liken to a box of breakfast cereal that's (full or flakes, fruits and nuts).

For questions and comments contact us via E-mail:pastormallen@yahoo.com or Ph.1-242-441-2021

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