
Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
There’s a popular Bahamian secular song entitled “Dogs don’t bark at park cars” as a Kingdom Minded Citizen, when listening to this song one can very easily see or hear the scripture being clearly laid out.
Please note: I did say “Kingdom Minded” as there’s a great distinction between that of a “Kingdom Minded Citizen” and a Religious Minded Church-Folk.
It’s a proven fact that dogs don’t bark at parked cars, and it is clear to see or understand that the writer and singer of the song was not literally singing about dogs, but rather about the dog like character / behavior of most people; likewise as in most cases when dog in mentioned in the bible.
The dog is a domesticated animal that could be trained / tamed to do practically whatever its trainer is training it to do. With this in mind, I would like for you to go with me as I dive into or somehow explore the dog like character of some folks that we encounter on a daily bases; Might I be blunt and say to you that “this dog like character is not a respect of persons and it can be found in every sector of society”
Here’s a classic case of this dog like character at work! As long as you’re on the same level or in the same kind of situation as some people, they would have no problem with you; but God forbid that you seek to change your situation for the better or seek to progress to the next level in life. The folks who knows of your test, trials and struggles will often be the very ones to display the DOG like character against you; they’ll gossip about you (BARK) and backbite you every opportunity they get, that’s if and when you try to better yourself.
As long as you were parked in the same miserable position / situation as these dogs weren’t barking at you; but rather they kind of love the idea of having you around to participate in the daily murmuring and complaining. Meanwhile they constantly connive and scheme against one another for the crumbs, scraping and hand-outs from the tables of those who are living a better lifestyle.
It’s never a good thing to argue or fuss with a dog (persons with a dog like character), the best thing that you can do for yourself is to leave such person /s alone; because they’re unhappy, they’re miserable and as the saying goes “Misery loves company”
Sometimes, this dog like character can be found in and among close knitted family members (living under the same roof), among co-workers, among so-called friends and even among those of the household of faith; what do you do when this character shows up or is discovered?
Here’s what you cannot do! You can’t allow the dog like character to pull you down its desired path.
Let’s go to the scriptures and take a closer look at the dog / dog like character!
The word Dog is mentioned ten times in the Bible; nine times in the Old Testament and one time in the New Testament. Likewise the word Dogs is mentioned twenty-four times in the Bible; sixteen times in the Old Testament and eight times in the New Testament.
Phil.3: 2. Watch out for those dogs, those wicked men and their evil deeds, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved.
Phil.3: 2. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
Yes ! There are some DOGS in church leadership that hides behind religious titles like (Apostle, Bishop, Doctor, Pastor, Prophet, etc ;) these wicked men have perfected the art of twisting the scriptures for their selfish / financial gain and manipulating as many as possible to submit to their teachings; In most cases the greater percentage of their followers are women.
Here’s what the bible says about them:
2Tim.3: 6. They are the kind who work their way into people's homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by many desires.
: 7. Such women are forever following new teachings, but they never understand the truth.
2Tim.3: 5. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
: 6. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
What we’re seeing in today’s church and among its leaders is nothing new; as the scriptures clearly speaks to and against that which is going on. Many members of today’s church are just too lazy, gullible and having itching ears; and it doesn’t take much for the ulterior motives Religious Leaders to swing this segment of the church; especially the females.
In the eyes of those lazy persons who refused to study the word of God for themselves thereby enabling them to rightly divide the word of truth; they will forever see and esteem these types of Religious Leaders as Men of God. But, in the eyes of God / Yahweh, He sees them as Dogs, ravenous wolves.
Here’s how the Prophet Isaiah describes them:
Isa.56: 11. And they are as greedy as dogs, never satisfied. They are stupid shepherds, all following their own path, all of them intent on personal gain.
Beware, watch-out for those dog:
For questions or comments contact us via
E-mails:pastormallen@yahoo.com or
Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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