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Information vs. Revelation
By Pastor Allen
Apr 15, 2009 - 2:42:54 AM

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The time has come for the saints of God (Yahweh) to awake from their sleep and slumber and begin to possess and advance the kingdom of God. Religion has done a very good job in stifling the body of Christ as it relates to their rightful inheritance. One of the prerequisite for the saints of El-Elyon (The Most High God) to live as children of the King; is having a true revelation of who they are and whose they are.

There are many well meaning Christians that will go to great extend to gather religious information. There are three classes of Christians that makes up this pool of information gatherers.

The conference, seminar, work-shop and revival Christian. This is the person that will travel the world to attend a conference to hear their favorite mand-or-woman of God preach. This person has more tapes, books, cd’s, etc; of just about every Bishop, Doctor, Apostle and Pastor there is.

The hard core religious Christian. This is the person who (erroneously) knows the bible better than “the Apostles Peter, James and John” such person have absolutely no problem in declaring that he / she is a Biblicist. This person is as deadly cancer to himself and those who would listen to him

Then there is the mixed-up Christian. This is the person who has got a bit of every religious teaching that comes forth; they’re not committed to any one teaching. Whatever sounds or feels good to them, they go along with it until the feeling leaves.

In most cases these three classes of Christians describes 97% of the religious churches here in the Bahamas.

There are also three dynamics at work with these types of Christians:

1. Their connection / relationship with God has been severed due to erroneous religious beliefs,

2. The spirit of deception has gotten such a stronghold upon them, to the point that they would reject the truth even if Yeshuwa Messiah (Jesus the Christ) Himself would bring it in person; and

3. The spirit of pride and arrogance forbids them to humbly acknowledge their flaws and ways of doing things.

The religious churches and leaders bare most of the blame and responsibility for the spiritual dwarfness that exist with the body of Christ today. Again, the church has done a good job in providing information to the saints, through their many conferences, seminars, etc; which result in our churches and homes being filled with lots of head knowledge, intellectual, powerless Christians.

The world is frustrated, disappointed and angry at the church which supposes to have the answers to life’s hard questions and be in the position to bring about the relevant changes; that will usher in God’s righteousness, peace and joy (His kingdom) in the land, but unfortunately this is not the case today with the religious church.

Rom.8:22. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

As the world systems collapses, governments, banking, and employments: all of creation is crying, travaileth for the manifestation of the sons of God; this manifestation can only take place by way of revelation.

Rom.8:19. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

As stated before the religious church is not short on hosting annual conferences where lots of good emotional information is being disseminated; whereas whenever revelation is made known, manifestation takes place. What is revelation?

Revelation is the revealing, exposure, uncovering of something once hidden. As soon as the body of Christ gets the revelation of who they are and whose they are; true kingdom manifestation will take place in the Bahamas.

Religious information has got the Christians confused as to what to do and when to do that which God has places in their hearts. The twisted, incomplete, one sided prosperity gospel have many within and outside the body of Christ second guessing the word of God, and their covenant rights.

Here are a few benefits of our covenant: Ps.35:27. Let them shout for joy, and be glad that favor my righteous cause: let them say continually. Let the Lord be magnified which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servants.

(Gen.13:2. And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold).

Watch this: Erroneous religious teachings and stinking-thinking would have you to believe that the following passage of scripture is referring to simply spiritual matters; and absolutely nothing could be further from the truth. 2Corinth.8:9. For ye know the grace of our Lord Yeshuwa Messiah, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he become poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.

The spiritual substance of our covenant and God’s will for our lives will only be manifested as a result of the revelation we’re exposed too and our willingness and obedient to walk in it.

I’ve got a few questions for you:

What other conference do you need to attend? Who else needs to lay hands on and anoint you? Aren’t you tired of jumping through the same religious hoops every year; after receiving your so-called prophetic / pathetic word?

The bail-out that you’re in need of is right in that book (The Bible); now what you’re in need of is revelation concerning your bail-out / covenant. The information you’ve received over the years should have served its purpose, now you are in need of manifestation which comes via revelation.

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail: pastormallen@yahoo.com or 441-2021 or 225-3850.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre Int’l,

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