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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

It's not an Option!
By Pastor Allen
Sep 30, 2009 - 7:51:40 AM

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Quitting is not an option! Despite how things may look or how things might be going for you right now, don't you dare think about quitting or giving up on life; for your best days are yet ahead of you. Listen, I know you might be saying “yeah right, it's easy for you to talk like that; you're a Pastor, you don't have any problems”

If that's what you're saying, I wish you were right; but unfortunately that's not the case. Like everybody else I could complain about everything that has gone wrong or is going wrong, but I've come to understand that complaining is for the Zeros in life and not Heroes. Therefore complaining is not in my DNA, neither is it in yours; so let's not complain.

Some years ago we've danced to a song that says (Winners never quit, and quitters never win), I'm not suggesting that you ignore the facts of what you've experienced; but how about using that experience to work for your advantage. The question maybe “how could I use the tragic lost of a love one or some other misfortune for my advantage?”

Please understand this: whatever you've experienced or went through didn't catch God by surprise; for the enemy meant it for evil towards you, but God is going to turn that thing around for your good and His glory.

Watch Joseph, after all the hell he went through at the hands of his brothers (family members) who had conspired to kill him, but eventually sold him into slavery; rather than complaining about his problems here's his testimony several years later.

Gen.50: 20. But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

As a proud Bahamian, it's of the utmost importance that you don't reduce or limit yourself to the lost of a job; you're bigger than whatever job you've lost. Don't allow where you are, to determine who you are. It's something like this: You could be in China tomorrow, but that doesn't make you a Chinese; you would still be a Bahamian who just happens to be in China. Likewise, you are not the situation that you happen to be in right now. For here's what God's word says about you: Rom.8:37. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. No matter how bad things might be, in the eyes of God, (Father Yahweh) you're His righteousness in Yeshuwa Messiah.

Therefore quitting is not an option for you; God has called and ordained you to be the very best. So then get up, brush yourself of and get back in the good fight of faith. It's time for each of us to rise up and take responsibility for our own actions and situations; aren't no PLP or FNM or anybody else can stop God's favor from raining upon you, His chosen vessels. (Get Up)

I've come to realize that there are three types of people in the world today:

  1. The Watchers: These are the negative people who spends most of their lives complaining as they watch progress pass them by

  2. The Wonders: Like the watchers, these people live the life of consistently wondering what's going on; as they blame everybody else for things not going right in their life

  3. The Makers: These are the real people with the Timex mentality (They'll take a licking, but keeps on ticking) they've committed themselves to succeeding and failure is definitely not an option of theirs. Whenever one door is closed in their face they swiftly moves onto the other door. They're not sitting down waiting for the Government or some Foreign Investor to make things happen. No, these makers are fully persuaded by their testimony of “Rom.8: 31. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

Bahamians! The ground floor / level is crowded with complainers; folks who loves to complain about everything and everybody. The second floor and upwards has lots of vacancies for whosoever wishes or dares to step up.

The atmosphere of the second floor is saturated with the I can do all things spirit. I've checked all the offices, hallways and storage rooms of the above floors and found not a shred of doubters or complainers. The air up there is cleaner, the water is cooler and the opportunities are unlimited; there are signs posted all over the walls from the second floor upward that reads “Looking for willing and obedient people to take ownership and responsibility for the future”

I've written thousands of articles on just about every topic; but I do believe with all of my heart that this one has been divinely designed just for you. God has heard your cry, He knows that you're not looking for a hand–out, but rather a hand–up. Therefore this article is just the beginning of what God is going to use to jump start your motor.

Here's a few tips or point to help you accomplish your hearts desires:

  1. Stay away from negative people and negative advises (Family members, so-called friends, co-workers, religious folks, etc;). It doesn't matter who they are, if they're full of negativity get far, far away from them; and if you have to spend as little time possible in their company so that their negative spirit won't infiltrate your spirit of success

  2. The only news that you should give priority to is that of The Good News, The Gospel, The Word of God. Take note that all of today's other news (Radio, T.V. Print Media, etc;) are filled with bad news. But as it relates to your success here's what The Good News says “Joshua.1: 8. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

If for any reason you might be in need of some insight or help in making your strategic move to the second floor and beyond; please feel free to contact us at any time. pastormallen@yahoo.com or Ph.1-242-441-2021, all of our services and advises are free of charge. It's imperative that you succeed, our nation is depending upon you and Failure is not an Option

May the FOG (Favor of God) be with you always:

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int'l,

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