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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

It’s time to Stop!
By Pastor Allen
May 27, 2009 - 12:28:44 PM

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As I observe the deterioration of the Bahamas both economically and spiritually; I’m constantly asking the question “Who really cares?”

The global world is rapidly changing via modern technology and other innovative discoveries. Unfortunately this Memo or bit of information has not yet reached the (Good Old Boys) leaders of the Bahamas.

Here’s what I find most discouraging: The younger elected (PLP & FNM) politicians have all fallen right in line with the ancient systems and methods of operations that are in place. It is quite obvious that not one of these young politicians of today came to what they’ve called “This Honourable House” with a vision of a futuristic, technology savvy plan for the better Bahamas.

The Bahamas has been ordained of God to be the economic and spiritual Mecca of the Western Hemisphere, but as it stands today; visionless leadership both in the political and spiritual realm are inhibiting this process.

Okay! It is a fact that the politicians are in over their heads as it relates to the direction and the way forward for a better Bahamas.

Listen; don’t be fooled by these Ministers and their Ministers of States with all of their smooth eloquent speeches. These men and women are lost, and to add insult to injury the opposition members are just as lost or even worst; they are all in need of help and guidance.

Watch this: As a nation, in auto mechanics terminology we’ve blown our engine; and if the church was operating as the organism that has been ordained by Yeshuwa Messiah and not as religious organizations. The political leaders would have had a place that they can run to for guidance and wisdom.

As I stated some time ago and make no apology for saying so “the church that we’re seeing today is not the church of which Our Lord and Savior Yeshuwa Messiah spoke of in the book of Matthew”.

Matthew.16:18b. Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”

It’s time for this foolishness to stop! Church today, especially here in the Bahamas has become big business and nobody wants to call the spade, a spade. Nassau, in particular has more churches than the entire nation of Israel ever had; and then Grand Bahama and some of the other family islands are not too far behind.

I submit to you that 55% of these churches and religious leaders are not ordained of God; for it is impossible for Satan to wreak such havoc upon this nation and true church of the Messiah looks on powerlessly.

From a spiritual perspective the Bahamas is what I’ve deemed “a modern day Corinth” and a comprehensive study of the City Corinth would give you a clearer picture of what I’m saying. For as a nation, we’ve got religion; in so much that we’ve got over four thousand religious powerless churches throughout the Bahamas.

It seems as if everybody in the Bahamas is a Bishops, an Apostles, or prophet and is starting their own little church; right next door or down the street from another church who suppose to be worshipping the same God.

This sort of action and behavior helps to bring more clarity to that which Yeshuwa spoke of in Luke.16:8. When He said “For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light”

Before I became a disciple of Yeshuwa Messiah, and being a star player on the devil’s team; in all of my alcohol drinking, busted up days here’s something I never saw. I aren’t never seen a Royal Bank right next door to another Royal Bank, or a Burger King next door to another Burger King. No, no, these business people are smart; they go out and do their demographics and then they methodically plan for their harvest. Again, remember that Yeshuwa said in Matthew.9:37. The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few”

There is so much foolishness going on in the religious church today in the name of the Messiah, but in reality it has absolutely nothing to do with Him. Most of the religious leaders are interested in building their big expensive sanctuaries and calling them the Lord’s house; when the fact is, that God is interested in building the lives of people and not sanctuaries. It’s time to Stop! As mere humans, one of the things we hate the most is for someone to tell a lie on us or better still lie on our name. If that be the case then how much more do you think that God hates His name to be lied on?

Listen! There are so-called Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, etc; that have taken to the air waves via T.V. and radio stations that are dawn right lying in God’s name, and are leading many itching ear Christians down a slippery path.

In the book of Jeremiah; the Father warned the people of this same religious / false spirit that is now unleashed upon the Bahamas; but what these false prophets have to their credit for a while is this “the people that they’re feeding are gullible and are easily swayed”

Stay tune for part 2.

For questions or comments we can be contacted via E-mail: pastormallen@yahoo.com  or Ph.225-3850 or 441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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