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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

New Age – Deadly Deception
By Pastor Allen‏
Aug 25, 2009 - 8:00:31 AM

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There is absolutely nothing that man can ever say or do, that will catch Father Yahweh by surprise or of guard. Despite man's academic accomplishments, their allegedly deep spiritual understandings and anointing, we all have this one common denominator which is; we're subject to error.

New Age teaching is so spiritually subtile in that if it's possible even God's very elect would be deceived. This teaching can be liken to an individual unknowingly getting on bus #21, and believing that they're on bus # 15.

Now, if this person doesn't come to his / her senses quickly and get off bus # 21, at the end of the ride they would have arrived at the wrong destination; bearing in mind that bus #21 goes in the southern direction and bus # 15 the northern direction.

Watch this !

Look at the close similarities of these two buses: (1) They both have drivers that may wear the same type uniforms, (2) Both buses are the same size and the same color, and (3) They both park at the same terminal to load passengers. The major difference with these buses is as such; they both have different routes and destination.

New Age teachings is a contaminated version of the truth. It sounds good, and would skillfully use the bible or whatever means necessary to accomplish it's mission. Remember, that there is nothing that man can do, that will ever catch God by surprise or of guard.

Here's the deadly deception: Whenever the devil deceives a person / people, he's just doing his job because he's a deceiver. The deadly deception comes into play when we deceive ourselves; something like this (knowing that there is a fly in the soup and yet denying this fact; thereby eating and serving the soup to others of which they also eat).

Listen, based upon the way things are going right now in the Bahamas (a murder per week, a constipated judicial system, etc) and most of all the lack of true Godly leadership. I'm by no means surprise to hear the erroneous religious teaching that God (Yahweh) has a wife. Now, to you who wants to ascribe to this sort of teaching, go ahead; get on bus #21. I can assure you that at the end of the day the driver of this bus and all of his passengers would be crying as a result of their heated destination.

Thing about this: In the natural, every man great and small embraces every opportunity to highlight and acknowledge his mother. Take an athlete for example; after winning a big race, a championship or some other event, the first person he would acknowledge or call out too would be his mother (Hi Mom).

WHERE, WHERE; in the scripture can it be found that Yeshuwa Messiah (Jesus the Christ) ever referred to or made mention of God, His father having a wife. This religious New Age teaching of God having a wife is just the beginning of what's coming down the religious pipe from which the Bahamian public is fed.

In Proverb.8: 1-38. The bible speaks of wisdom being possessed by the Lord in the beginning of his way.

It's from this premise and other scripture verses taken out of context that this erroneous teachings of God having a wife comes from. But as the apostle Paul said to the churches of Galatia so say I unto the churches in the Bahamas. Gal.3:1. O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?

I would want to believe that it's through ignorance that any Bahamian church leader would give into this New Age – Deadly Deception teaching of God having a wife. This contrary spirit is so crafty and cunning in that it will erroneously fill the hearts of its victims with scriptures taken out of context to prove or justify the New Age teaching.

As it relates to marriage and heaven and spiritual matters here's what Yeshuwa Messiah said, when questioned of the same by some religious leaders.


Matt.22: 23. That same day some Sadducees stepped forward--a group of Jews who say there is no resurrection after death. They posed this question:

: 24. "Teacher, Moses said, 'If a man dies without children, his brother should marry the widow and have a child who will be the brother's heir.'

: 25. Well, there were seven brothers. The oldest married and then died without children, so the second brother married the widow.

: 26. This brother also died without children, and the wife was married to the next brother, and so on until she had been the wife of each of them.

: 27. And then she also died.

: 28. So tell us, whose wife will she be in the resurrection? For she was the wife of all seven of them!"

: 29. Jesus replied, "Your problem is that you don't know the Scriptures, and you don't know the power of God.

: 30. For when the dead rise, they won't be married. They will be like the angels in heaven.

Here we see in verses 29 & 30 Yeshuwa saying to these religious leaders that they do err in not knowing the truth of the scriptures and the power of God. For in heaven there is no such thing as marriage or given in marriage; so the teachings and beliefs of God having a wife is a very, very erroneous teaching.

May the FOG (Favor of God) be with you and your family:

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:pastormallen@yahoo.com or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int'l,

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