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Take Back Our Streets
By Pastor Allen
Jul 28, 2009 - 8:46:55 AM

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It is blatantly evident that one of the greatest problems of the Bahamas today; is that of effective leadership. This fact is conclusive straight across the board; the lack of effective leadership in the home, in the church and in the government. With the Bahamas being a small group of Islands and Nassau being only twenty miles long and seven miles wide (21/7) how is it that lawlessness is allowed to have such free course on so small of an Island?

Being a Bahamian who has lived and traveled throughout the USA and returning back home, it's disheartening to hear the silly excuses; that ninety nine percent of Bahamians sincerely gives for the lawlessness in the land today. Worst of all I've heard supposed to be leaders (Politicians, Police Officers, Civic and Religious Leaders) giving weak excuses for their inability / failure to enforce the law. Again, it's obvious that these leaders only mentally ascend to scriptures such as “Prov.18:21. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. And Mark.11:23. He shall have whatsoever he saith

Here's a quick note to persons such as The Minister of National Security, The Attorney General and The Commissioner of Police. (The parents and family members who would have lost their love ones through some form of criminal act; care not to hear you leaders give dumb excuses and try to cover your incompetence to enforce the law. Any leader or person who sits in the office of authority and ascribes to such notion as: “What we experiencing is as a result of that which is taking place in America” is not fit to lead or occupy an office of authority.

What the Bahamas is experiencing is leadership with no testosterone to effectively deal with its problems. As soon as true leadership arises the Bahamas will boldly move forward, upward and onward together, then the slogan It's Better in the Bahamas would be true.

Overall Bahamians are law abiding people but where there is no law enforcement; but just like every other nationality; what we're allowed to get away with, we would.

Here's my case and point:

As crazy and as lawless as Bahamians may appear to be when they're at home in the Bahamas. Yet upon traveling to the USA, immediately this (suppose to be) lawlessness, raw born Bahamian becomes a law abiding visitor.

Let's observe the lawless Bahamian visiting the USA for a few days?

  1. If they intend to drive on the streets of America, watch how quickly they adhere to the seat belt law.

  2. As much as this Bahamian would drink alcohol beverages whiles driving on the streets of the Bahamas; how is it that they won't do the same on the streets of America?

  3. For the Bahamian visiting America; obeying the laws of that land is by no means a problem to him or her. This individual or these individuals are fully aware that there are swift consequences for every lawless action taken.

Now on the other hand; the minute these temporary law abiding Bahamians would have left America and their feet hits the Bahamas soil; instantaneously they revert to their lawless ways. Why or how is this? Listen, it's not that there are no laws here in the Bahamas. What we've got is a two fold dynamics at work here: (1) There is no respect or reverence for our laws, and (2) There are very little enforcement of our laws, and where there are enforcement; there lacks swift judgment and meaningful consequences.

It is said that “It's the little fox, that spoils the vine” This proverb also fits or is the root cause for the deterioration of law and order in the Bahamas.

The simple neglect of enforcing our traffic laws has given birth to many other serious crimes in the land. Here's a little foot note for these sleeping / blind leaders that oversees law enforcement in the Bahamas: The Oklahoma City bomber “Timothy Mcvae” was arrested via simple traffic matter. Had it not been for that police officer enforcing the traffic laws; this dangerous criminal might have gotten away.

I deemed it a shame and the lack of vision for the Government to have to borrow millions of dollars for road repairs. Whereas the strict enforcement of the traffic laws, along with an expeditiously working court system; and stiffer penalties and fines would generate more than enough finances to repair and maintain roads and highways throughout the Bahamas.

The simple enforcement of traffic laws would overwhelmingly fund the Bahamas treasury. I would invite the commissioner of police and the comptroller of road traffic to ride incognito the public bus / Jitney for a month; thereby would have a greater appreciation for the spirit of this article with reference to the level of traffic lawlessness on the streets.

The terror and fear of riding the Jitneys

At some point the commissioner of police and the comptroller of road traffic must put their heads together and come up with a zero tolerance task force; to take back the street from the (Road Demons) jitney drivers. Mr. Commissioner / Mr Comptroller, here are a few point or concerns that I'm sure you must have heard of on more than one occasion.

  1. Bus drivers are allowed to play loud, filthy music as they recklessly transport paying passengers to their destination.

  2. Passengers having to tolerate this abuse of this nasty music; out of fear for being beat down and assaulted on these buses by the drivers and their riding partners, if they complain about the music.

  3. The disrespect for other motorist by bus drivers as they're allowed to stop in the middle of the street to off load an receive passengers.

Might I suggest, Mr. Commissioner & Comptroller; that the selected officers of this task force be made aware that if it is proven that they've compromised the integrity of the task force by whatever means; they would be immediately dealt with at the strictest measure of the law.

This is but a mustard seed observation of the lawlessness that is being allowed to have free course on our street. I do blame the various drivers for their lawless actions, but most of all I highly hold / blame The Commissioner of Police, The Comptroller of Road Traffic and the constipated, weak court system for failing to effectively enforce the laws.

IS THERE ANYBODY IN AUTHORITY; within the above mentioned departments / offices who are not afraid to enforce the laws and Take Back Our Streets? Stop Talking and Take Action:

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:pastormallen@yahoo.com or Phone 1-242-441-2021 or 225-3850

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int'l,

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