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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

The Ditch
By Pastor Allen
Jul 19, 2009 - 1:37:14 PM

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Matt.15:14. Let them alone: they be blind leaders. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

I've already asked the question of where are we going as a nation? Could it be that we're heading in the ditch as a result of blind leadership? But due to the fact that we are so politically and religiously crazy, we're willing to accept whatever comes down the pipe?

Watch this!

There was a time in the Bahamas when it truly was an honor to call our members of parliament honorable; not saying that our forefathers didn't have their share of personal challenges and issues, but when it came to honorably standing up for and defending the small man; the forefathers effectively played their part.

Here is one of our greatest problem with today's political pool. Over the past fifteen years the powers there be have failed miserably in properly honoring the nation's forefathers, and educating the younger generations as to who they were and the significant roles they've played in the shaping of the Bahamas today.

Think on this question: Can we select at random a few 6th grade students and ask them about some of our forefathers like; Sir. Cecil, Alvin Brennen, Sinclair Outten, etc? No, it would not be fair to these students; because this part of our nation's history and equipping the generation of tomorrow with this knowledge is of no importance to the educated, foolish leaders we got today. But I can assure you that if ever asked; these same children at any given moment can provide you with detailed information about latest International music or movie celebrity; and I dare to say that many of them don't even know our own Bahamian recording artists.

So, as it relates to the nation's social and cultural development; we got classic cases of the blind leading the blind.

It is quite evident that the leadership of which the Bahamas is in need of; in order to fulfill her God ordained assignment is not in today's pool. But by no means should we cease to keep our politicians lifted up in payer. Despite the fact that many of them don't know, that they don't know what's going on and what to do about it, yet they're parading around as if they are the best thing to the country since slice bread.

YES, we've got ministers and ministers of states acting as if they are God, and as if the people owes them something. Here's what I find so amazing; before the last general election it was the PLP ministers that acted and operated in this manner. Now, one would have thought that the FNM would have learn from the PLP arrogance; but needless to say, these clowns have taken arrogance to another level. But I sternly admonished you politicians (FNM & PLP) to study the rise and fall of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.

As an authoritative voice of Father Yahweh, I'm at liberty to speak on and about national issues that your weak, compromising religious leaders of the Bahamas are not able to. In order not to affect their politician's tithe and government hand-outs these religious weaklings have got to stay within their four walls and remain silent whiles the nation goes to HELL on roller skates. And if by chance any of these religious-whatever do speak, it's always from a re-active position rather than a pro-active position.

It is most disheartening to see the condition / state of the Bahamas (spiritually), being a small nation with some three hundred, thousand plus people and over four thousand churches; the only logical question that one can ask is this: “What has happened to the church?"

The answer to that question is as such:

The church has become such a watered down, powerless / dead religious organization in the spirit realm; whereby every man / leaders has set out to fulfill their own dreams and desires at the expense of the people in Jesus' name.

What do you think the Bahamas would be like if the church was operating as the ordained organism of Yeshuwa Messiah, rather than religious organizations?

The church, the organism of Yeshuwa is a consistently alive organ / body that's constantly growing and producing after its own kind. Whereas the organized religious church is consistently seeking to be revived; through their annual money making revivals, conferences, workshop, seminars, etc.

Here's the mandate and representation of Yeshuwa's organism - church: Mark.16: 17. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

: 18. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Here's the mandate and representation / signs of the organized religious church: The pulpit pimps, the Bishops, Apostles, Doctors, Prophets, etc; are living on the hill top / green pastures whiles the congregation lives in the valley / dry land. This is certainly not the will of God, but rather it's a well laid out plan and motives of the religious leaders.

Meanwhile the enemy is wreaking havoc throughout this country, for he (the enemy) knows that these religious leaders are void of Yahweh's (dunamis, doo'-nam-is) to lay hands on the sick and see them recover; much less to cast out devils . Therefore many within the religious church are dying from all kinds of sickness and diseases whereby causing lingering questions to exist as to whether God heals or not?

The time has come when the question must be asked “Am I being blindly led into the ditch?”

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:pastormallen@yahoo.com or Phone #1-242-441-2021 or 225-3850

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int'l,

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