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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

The Real Pageant
By Pastor Matthew K. Allen‏
Sep 3, 2009 - 1:54:56 PM

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According to the Webster Dictionary the word Pageant means: An elaborate spectacle show or procession.

Taking nothing away from the recently held Miss Universe Beauty Pageant and that of the annual Miss Bahamas Pageants. If the vision and the monetary fulfillment of these pageants were somehow a small fraction of the vision of our Governments to (1) Help provide gainful employment for the hurting Bahamian families, (2) Send a clarion, zero-tolerance message to the criminal mind-set; via swift justice and punishment, and (3) The urgent expediting of a diversified economy then the slogan “It's Better in the Bahamas” as it relates to the small Bahamians, would be true.

What the Bahamas is seeing today and will continue to see in the coming years, is that which I've called “Healthy Distractions.” As good and as promotional as the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant was for the country and the other pageants that will follow; these are all healthy distractions. For the true beauty of this nation cannot be found in an event held at the high priced Atlantis; but rather this beauty is found within the common people of whom various governments have failed miserably.

Do you want to see this government both (Administration and Opposition) tremble in fear and immediately put the brakes on the country's increasing murder rate and other serious crimes?

Had it been that two or three of these murders occurred on Paradise Island / Atlantis where the true leader of both the present and former government sits. I can assure you that the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition and the Minister of National Security would have a total different outlook on capital punishment; and immediately resolve the judicial mess in the court system. But then again; for the most part these murders and other serious crimes are being committed against the local Bahamians and not on Paradise Island.

It seems as if prioritizing matters of national importance that will help in developing and advancing the grassroots is of no urgency to the powers that be. The deterioration of our once highly educational system is at an all time low, the ancient PMH and the Rand hospital in Freeport will be with us until the Lord comes; as hundreds of thousands of dollars will continue to be wasted on cosmetic repairs of these dinosaurs.

As a nation, we proficient at hosting events that paints a beautiful external picture; meanwhile internally the masses are suffering. When it comes to investing in and developing our people to become shakers and movers in the business world both locally and internationally our leaders shows very little interest.

Comparing the Bahamas today with that of the Bahamas of 1960's from a technology development perspective, we're like an un-opened gift that's left under the Christmas tree; whereby all of our present day leaders are afraid of opening and assisting in the development of the gift. On the other hand the foreign investors sees the gifts and immediately invests time and money in developing the gifts which yields hundreds / thousands-fold return on their investment. After some ten – twenty of exploiting these gifts; the investors often moves onto other areas leaving the people crying out to their powerless governments for justice.

Here's what the bible doesn't say: “Where there is no vision, the leaders perish” No, but rather here's what it says in Prov.29: 18. Where there is no vision, the people perish:

Listen! The lack of vision by leadership to invest in and help to develop its people will by far and large always hurt and be detrimental firstly to the people. Every grassroot in this country is not as fool / stupid as our leaders may think. There's an old saying that says “You can fool some of the people sometime, but you can't fool all the people all the time”

As a people, we may not say much; but we do know that every foreign investor that is allowed to invest and starts a new business in the Bahamas either at the beginning or somewhere down the line; one way or another had to render some kind of favor or kick-back to the powers that be. Therefore when it comes to Governments standing up and blatantly defending the rights of exploited employees by foreign investors; these (Thugs / Government) have to remain silent or speak under their breath.

Then also there are some foreign investors of integrity who refused to give into the demands of our corrupt leaders and their friends in high places; many of these investor have taken their investments to other countries.

This ancient corrup practice happens to be the foundation of which many of our existent establishments and systems throughout the length and breath of the Bahamas was built upon.

Think about this! Why is it that no PLP or FNM government is able to bring relief to the island of Grand Bahama / Freeport?

Watch this!

The BEAST of Grand Bahama (The Grand Bahama Port Authority), from the time of Sir. Lynden to this present day has financially contaminated the Bahamas' Political, Legal and Religious system; thereby gaining full authority to do as it pleases. It's a fact that Grand Bahamians enjoys being swing by eloquent speaking, compromising politicians, lawyers and weak religious leaders concerning the true future of Grand Bahama; as their heritage is being stolen and sold right in their faces.

But then again, their heritage doesn't matter to them; for all they really want is political rhetoric and promises. (Ain't Long Now, The Storm is Over; It's a Matter of Trust) yeah right !

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:pastormallen@yahoo.com or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastros Matthew & Brendalee Allen

Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int'l,

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