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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

What about Easter, the Bunny and the Egg?
By Pastor Allen
Apr 8, 2009 - 2:02:31 PM

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Religiously as a people, we’ve been conditioned and trained to receiving the emotional, sometimes high spirited Good Friday and Easter Sunday Morning Passover messages; whereas in most cases the text is normally taken from the book of Acts.12:1-25 and Exodus.12:1-28.

As you’re reading this article, I want to humbly submit that it’s during this time of the year and at Christmas time that gifted religious leaders do a good job in disseminating passionate biblical information “we call it, preaching”

As always, after the acknowledgement and celebration of these religious holidays the information is usually set aside until the next year. Needless to say “that there is a huge difference between Information / head knowledge gotten at conferences, seminars, etc; and Revelation (exposure, revealing, enlightening) given by the Father.

Yahweh always gives / empowers the recipients of His revelation with the ability to do or cause to come to past - manifest that which He has revealed.

The enemy “Satan” and his kingdom of darkness enjoy the fact that religious leaders / churches are yet ignorant as it relates to Information v/s Revelation. Information alone can very easily cause one to subvert a Holy Days for a holidays.

Let’s take a look at Easter and its origin:

Easter was named after “Eostre” (a.k.a. Eastre) she was the great goddess of the Saxon people in northern Europe. Similarly the Teutonic dawn goddess of fertility was known as (Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eostur, Eastra, Eastur, Austron and Ausos. Her name came from the ancient word for spring “Eastre” similar goddess were known by other names in the ancient cultures around the Mediterranean and were celebrated in the springtime.

Here are some of their names:

Aphrodite - from ancient Cyprus Ashtoreth - from ancient Israel Astarte - from ancient Greece Demeter – from ancient Mycenae Hathor – from ancient Egypt Ishtar – from ancient Assyria Kali – from ancient India Ostara – a norse goddess of fertility

An alternative explanation has been suggested. The name given by the Frankish church to Yeshuwa Messiah’s (a.k.a. Jesus) resurrection festival included the Latin word “Alba” which means; WHITE.

This was reference to the white robes that were worn during the festivals. “Alba” also means: “SUNRISE” when the name of the festival was translated into German the “Sunrise” meaning was selected in error; this became “Ostern” in German. Ostern has been proposed as the origin of the word Easter.

The origin of the Easter bunny and egg began in Germany in the 1500’s; where the children were told that if they were good, that the hare / bunny would bring them eggs on Easter. Through paganism and other religions, the concept of Easter, the Bunny and the Egg has worked its way into the church in such a subtile way; that if it was possible even God’s very elect would be deceived. The Easter bunny is very interesting and is one the oldest symbols of spring. Because of the spring season when the plants and flowers are restored and as new life sprung forth, religion and paganism for centuries have been working diligently in trying to water down the resurrection of Yeshuwa Messiah (a.k.a. Jesus Christ) by contaminating it with the Easter traditions and concepts.

Hosea.4: 6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

The above is one of the most quoted scriptures among the Messiah’s body today and yet believers are still being destroyed as they refused to get knowledge of the God of Israel whom they serve. Throughout the bible, Yahweh warned His people about accepting foreign gods and their customs.

The pagan worship and festivals have been so systematically engrafted into the church over the years in so much that if anyone seeks to addresses / speak out on these issues; the religious churches of today would be greatly offended and launch personal attacks against such persons.

Religion and Paganism seeks to take away or water down the reverence of God’s Holy days and institute their holidays and festivals. It’s time for the true sons and daughters of The Most High to stand up and speak out. The Apostle Paul knew what his spiritual son Timothy had to deal with as it relates to religion, tradition and paganism therefore he admonished him as follows: 2Timothy.2: 15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

The great deception of the enemy is to lure believers to sleep through ignorance and have them to say and believe that; there is nothing wrong with that which they’ve been religious doing for years. In other words “it doesn’t matter, God understands what we doing; as long as we’re not worshipping the Easter bunny or Satan, everything is alright” O’ but it’s not alright!

This was the same religious disguised / ulterior motive approach that Sanballat, Tobiah and the rest of their gang tried to pull on Nehemiah; but being the man of God the he (Nehemiah) was, he didn’t fall for their trap: Nehemiah.6:1-19

Enjoy your Passover:

For questions or comments we can be contacted via E-mail: pastormallen@yahoo.com  or Ph.  242-441-2021 or 225-3850.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre Int’l,

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