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What’s In Your House?
By Pastor Allen
Apr 27, 2009 - 1:43:54 PM

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As a people, it’s fair to say that we’ve got a lot of bible reading, scripture quoting saints throughout the Bahamas. But what they do lack greatly is the (dunamis) power of God and the manifested blessing of Abraham.

In Gen.13:1-2, The bible states that when Abram left Egypt he was “VERY RICH” in cattle (Vehicles) in Silver and Gold; in our language Abram was “loaded” the shalowm, shaw-lome' of God was all over him; (there was nothing missing, nothing broken and nothing lacking) in Abram’s house.

Today we, the saints of God lives under a far better covenant (The New Testament) than Abram did; as he Abram, lived under the Old Testament which was established with the blood of bulls and goats. Our covenant, the New Testament was established upon the precious blood of The Father’s Only Begotten Son “Yeshuwa Messiah” and has far greater promises and blessings than that of the Old Testament.

Abram walked in God’s blessings because he believed God, his faithfulness in obeying God’s word was accredited to him as righteousness. Therefore everywhere Abram went and everything he did; despite the circumstances and situations he faced, the favor of God was with him; Abram stayed in the FOG.

A vast majority of Christians today will never experience the FOG (favor of God) as Abram did, because of their church and religious mind-set. Whereas Abram knew nothing about church, all he knew came about as a result of an obedient relationship with Yahweh; Abram was strictly kingdom minded.

Many of the saints today are waiting on God for their breakthroughs or for another prophetic word, yet not being obedient to the written word of God; therefore if He speaks to them, they won’t know His voice. This is one of the reasons why ignorant, religious church-folks can often be heard praying dumb prayer such as “Lord if it’s your will, heal this or that one” “Lord if it’s your will, bless us now in Jesus’ name.”

Excuse me! Mr. or Mrs. Religious nut, God’s will and His word is one. It is His will that none should perish (Jn.3:16), but as a result of religious ignorance and in most cases bad choices many are yet perishing (Hosea.4:6).

The credit card company Capital One, ask this question through a T.V. commercial “What’s In Your Wallet?”

The so-called recession and the state of our economy have likewise propelled me to ask of you this question “What’s In Your House?”

Ps.112:1-3. Talks about the righteous and how wealth and riches shall be in his house and how his children shall be mighty upon the earth;

This righteous that the bible speaks of is by no means the religious concept of righteousness that we’re seeing and talking about today; but rather this is the uncompromisingly righteous. This is a lifestyle of those disciples who have committed themselves to standing upon the word of God in the good as well as the bad times.

It’s through erroneous religious teachings that many church goers are not living the abundant, victories life; and as a result they’re only faking the funk and mentally ascending to the word of God as it relates to His prosperity / blessings plans for their lives, without having a working revelation of the same.

Despite all of the misconception about money and the church, God (Yahweh) has not and will never change His mind concerning the prosperity of His children. It is a fact that there are some wolves dressed in sheep clothing in the pulpit; but that does not nullify the word of God, for He faithfully watches over His word to perform it.

As it relates to your house; in-spite of how things might look with regards to the economy, make sure that you take the position and declare as Joshua did when he said “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh.24:15).

God is after your house / generation. He wants to do that for you which you can’t do for yourself. What your house is in need of, no government / political party can provide; only God, He wants to bring salvation to your house as He did for Zaccheus’ house Luke.19:9, when Yeshuwa said “This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham” As a disciple of Yeshuwa Messiah you cannot be religious in your thinking concerning the word salvation, as if it means going to heaven. For Yeshuwa was not speaking of Zaccheus’ house going to heaven when He used the word salvation; Watch this!

In the Greek the word salvation is: soteria, so-tay-ree'-ah; which has several meanings as follows: Rescue, Safety, Deliver, Health, and saving.

In the Hebrew the word salvation is: yeshuw'ah, yesh-oo'-aw; which also has several meanings as follows: Something saved, Deliverance; Aid, Victory, Prosperity, Deliverance, Health, Help, and welfare.

Selah: as you pause and ponder what you’re just read the question yet remains, ‘What’s In Your House?’

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail: pastormallen@yahoo.com  or Ph.1-242- 441-2021 or 225-3850

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre Int’l,

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