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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM

Where Are We Going?
By Pastor Allen
Jun 27, 2009 - 3:46:06 PM

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I believe that there is nothing worst than a grown man who is in a good / sound frame of mind; but yet don’t know where he’s going in life. Or, have you ever seen a family that is working well together as a unit and soon after the parents’ dies, the family falls apart; the house, the car, the yard and everything else goes to the dumps. Then this is what can often be heard from persons in the community “Boy, if Mr. & Mrs. John Doe was alive this place wound have never looked like this”

Here’s what is being said in the above statement even though it’s not being heard “the children of Mr. & Mrs. John Doe are very irresponsible and immature”

Now, I know that just about everyone of us knows of a family or two that may fall in the category of Mr. & Mrs. John Doe’s family; or maybe that’s your family, but I’ve got good news for you; all is not lost, as long as there is life there is hope. The road to success in life for the grown man who don’t know here he’s going and the John Doe type family has not nor will it ever catches Father Yahweh of guard or by surprise; for He’s the Alpha and Omega, the all knowing God.

As long as we’re here on earth, God will always put people in our path to give a word of wisdom and direction; now whether we receive the wisdom and direction given is another story. The refusal of such wisdom and direction could result in a person experiencing Hell on earth.

As a nation the Bahamas is about to celebrate its 36th Independence on July 10th yet based upon the way things are today in this country, the only logical question that one can ask is “Where are we going, and what’s our plans to get there?”

The passing of a great Bahamian (Fat Back Marshall), and others are truly sad news; but the saddest news of them all is to here the present Prime Minister, The Right honorable Hubert A. Ingraham say that he’s going to offer himself for the position of Prime Minister the next time around. Then to add insult to injury the leader of the Opposition the Right Honorable Perry G. Christie has also fasten his seat belt.

Something is seriously wrong with us as a people when we’ve got to settle for the one dimensional leadership of Old Sitting Bull and the Rock of Gibraltar; it’s obvious that personal desire for power has blinded the eyes of these two great men, and they’re not looking at a futuristic Bahamas that will empower Bahamians.

It’s all about the GUN / POWER who has it? The Rabbit or The Farmer; and as a result the nation has to go through the wilderness experience for another four to eight years.

If there is ever a time that the word worthless or wutless hits home that time is now; I do believe that Prime Minister Ingraham is a very good leader and so is Mr. Christie; but their political power plays has placed them in the category of failures for not preparing successors.

Watch this! As a man, a real man with leadership potentials and aspirations, I could not be a member of parliament today and seeing the direction in which this country is heading, and the deterioration of the state of affairs of our citizens and infrastructures; and not make known my intentions to seek, challenge or contest the present leader’s seats of both FNM & PLP.

I must give props to Mr. Ingraham and Mr. Christie for methodically taking away whatever kind of fire and desire the (children) other members of parliament may have had to become the next Prime Minister.

Sir, Lynden did his twenty five; and it seems as if his two political sons have concluded to share the next twenty five between themselves 10-15 or 15-10 whatever; and God helps the person who tries to disrupt their plans. The Prime Minister made his and Perry Christie’s secret decisions, public when he indicated that he’s return for a third term to beat the PLP.

This was done just to stoke the fire of the silly grassroots, political junkies who ignorantly thinks that Mr. Ingraham and Mr. Christie are Arch-enemies; nothing could be further from the truth. From a natural perspective my only question to you two political genius is this: ‘As a nation, where are we going?”

I have accepted the fact that there is no other minister or minister of state with the testosterone to stand up and seek to bring about visionary leadership for a Bahamas of tomorrow. But rests assure Mr. Farmer and Mr. Rabbit, the gun / power will be taken from your hands in such an embarrassing manner if you don’t gracefully bow out. As it is in the natural, so is it in the spiritual; the religious leaders are just as guilty for the mess that this nation find it’s self in.

The older church leaders today have done such a hatchet job with their erroneous religious ways and financially raping the people; to the point that 95% of the younger church leaders have broken away and started their own ministries in order to get wealth. The proper exchange and affirmation of sons by fathers have not taken place; therefore the thousands of divided small churches will never reach their full potential due to the spirit of strife and competition. As soon as these religious fools can stop being immature and put down their petty differences, come together as a unit; the politicians will have a true body (Not The Religious Sanhedrin / Christian Council) that they can go to for Godly advice as to which direction the country should be taking.

For questions and comments we can be contacted via E-mail: pastormallen@yahoo.com   or Ph.225-3850 or 1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l

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