Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |

(First Round for 20 Women on Grand Bahama Island)
Do you feel a lack of motivation and energy?
Do you know intuitively that you don’t live your highest potential?
Do you wake up in the morning with worries about your future?
Do you create long to-do lists that seldom get accomplished?
Are you sacrificing playtime for what you think you have to do?
Could your body look better and healthier, more energetic?
Do you feel stuck in a routine with little pleasure and joy?
Do you feel that achieving success and abundance is hard?
What is the cost of feeling this way for you now?
What will the cost of continuing on this path be in your future?
Would you like to change your life for the better right now?
Help is on the way, and available to you right where you live.
My name is Angelika Christie, I am a doctor of Naturopathy, and a motivational speaker and coach. I am excited to offer my comprehensive program to transform the lives of 20 women of Grand Bahama.
How? I am glad you ask, because I want to explain it to you personally when you choose to come for a 30-Minute presentation and Q/A period to my Grand Bahama office on Friday July 5th at 5:30pm.
If you are inspired and committed to achieving your dreams, no matter what, you may believe is possible for you now; no matter what others may say…then I am committed to show you that you can, and I will make sure that you get everything you need, to achieve your goal.

How would your life be different if you could:
• Improve your physical health,
• Bring out your best body shape,
• Upgrade your mental acuity and resilience
• Train your brain how to come up with money making ideas
• Get tools that make you follow through with action steps
• Expand your emotional range, so you have more choices
• Understand how to engage your true “Soul Power” for your highest truth and potential
• Unlock the gift that is still within you waiting to be released...
• Show up authentically
• Live your life fearlessly because you understand how to harness its energy to support you rather than stifle you.
• Enjoy peace, abundance, and accomplishment in your life.
You will be amazed how all of the above points are connected to each other and how they can fall into place naturally and with ease.
The best part is that this will be a pilot (beta) program....
Your investment will be only a fraction of what it will be next year..
And there is even a way to get the whole program for free.
Why am I doing this? I want to test the power of what I envision, and how it will change your life on every level at least 100% for the better.
The only requirement is a commitment, both physically showing up for all sessions and a small investment that holds you to your commitment to step up to your full potential.
All together the time invested is about
10 hours per week x 4 = 40 hours.
Mondays to Fridays, with early or mid morning times. (to be decided after surveying you)
Here are the restrictions for this first round, so I have full involvement with each of my participants.
1. I only take 10 women in the mature group (40-75)
2. I only take 10 women in the younger group (25-39)
The program entails light to medium physical exercise (all done between the ocean, beach and pool) for the mature women, and medium to a bit more challenging exercises for the younger women. Please make sure that you have the o.k. from your doctor and/or are used to exercising, at least occasionally☺
Both groups work personally with me, but at different times of the mornings.
program starts on Monday, July 8th and ends on Thursday August 8th, followed with a great prize and awards giving Party.
You will have full access of me for the entire length of the course. As a Bonus, I also give you a private coaching session with me. There will be other unadvertised Bonuses I will give out every week to the best and most dedicated participants☺
Therefore, the course is only
open to women living on Grand Bahama Island.
Be the first to get on the list; I can only take 10 women in each group.
I want to see radiant, healthy and prosperous women on our island....in town, or wherever they are; making money, sharing and connecting with each other, and creating the beautiful and prosperous life that they deserve.
...and then, there is BASRA later in August....I want to see you show off your body and magnetic personality☺
My goal is to change the lives of 100 women on Grand Bahama so they can become independently wealthy, healthy and make a difference here, and wherever they may go, to take their gift into the world in a bigger way. I will have achieved this by 2015.
Total real world value of this program: $2,997.00
For the first time the programs runs, I will offer it for a very small fee.
I want to see you succeed and have you become my Success Story!
When my program changes your life, others will want to get what you have achieved.
You become my testimonial for positive change, and inspire more women to step up and transform their lives for the better too. This is how everybody wins.
The small investment is only $197.00… With a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you have attended all sessions and still have not transformed your body and life for the better, I will return your full investment,
The first time I run this program, you can also get the whole course for free, plus receiving a check from me of: $ 100.00
The conditions for getting the course for free will be revealed when you sign up☺
I am committed to facilitate remarkable transformation and improvements in all areas of your life.
Who wants to be my next Success Story?
If not YOU, who? And if not NOW, when?

Here is what you have to do to get in and profit from my offer to help you transform your body and life.
Meet me at my Grand Bahama office.
1. I will give a short talk and be open to answer all of your questions before your sign up.
2. Be prepared to have either a check or cash in the amount of $197.00 with you. Why?
3. Because I am sure that my list of 10 women in each age group will fill up quickly, and will only be guaranteed with the tuition fee for the course.
My office is located at the “VIP Service Centre” at # 6 West Atlantic Drive. (between Butler’s Food World and the little outside Mall, or “La Spa”) Call, if you need more directions: 352-1010.
Date and time for the meeting to sign up for the course starting on Monday, July 8th is:
Friday July 5th at 5:30 PM sharp.
If you want to be considered to be on my list, you have to show that you can be on time☺ You will receive all the information you need.
To your greatest life success!
Angelika Christie ND, RMT, CHT, HIC

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