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Community : Royal Bahamas Police Force Last Updated: Jan 13, 2020 - 9:52:11 AM

RBPF Nassau: Suspects to be formally charged - US citizens arrested for failing to declare
By Supt. Shanta Knowles, RBPF
Jan 13, 2020 - 8:35:58 AM

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Nassau, Bahamas - Police are pleased to announce that two (2) suspects will be formally charged in Magistrate Court at 12:00 noon, Monday, 13th January, 2020 in connection with sexual crimes investigations.

They are as follows:

  • A 31 year old Bahamian male will be arraigned on eight (8) counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a female under the age of 13 years. These incidents occurred between July and September, 2019.
  • 36 year old Bahamian male will be arraigned on one (1) count of possession of child pornography.
Police wish to thank members of the public for their assistance and information which has led to the arrest of suspects in these and other matters.


Two adult males, ages 51 and 21, citizens of the United States of America, were taken into custody Sunday, 12th January, 2020, after they failed to declare a large sum of US Currency.

According to reports, shortly after 7:00am, the male presented themselves to a US Border Control Officer at Lynden Pindling International Airport and fail to declare the true amount of currency their possession. The officers conducted a search of the males and recovered $27,801.00 cash.

The males was taken into custody and handed over to the Police. They are expected to be formally charged before a Magistrate Court this week.

  • Think about your safety before you leave home; make sure someone knows where you are going, who you are with and what time you are likely to return.Fully charge your mobile phone and keep it with you so you can keep in contact with your friends and family and ring police should you need to.
  • Walking home in the dark is never a good idea, but if you absolutely must, try to walk with a friend, keep no busy, well-lit roads even if it means taking a longer route.
  • If you think someone is following you, go to the nearest place where there are people and ask for help, or, if you can't find somewhere or you are worried about someone's behaviour towards you in any way, call 919
  • Don't be afraid about being wrong or over-reacting; the Police would rather be called only to find that all is well, than be dealing with an incident because someone was afraid of calling them.

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