Last Updated: Feb 13, 2017 - 1:45:37 AM |

Ross University Medical student makes donation to the Lutheran World Relief Fund on April 20th. Left to right: Joe Hormes, 4th semester student; Rev. Dr. J. Emmette Weir of Our Saviour Lutheran Church; and Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Associate Dean of Student Affairs Photo: The Bahamas Weekly
Freeport, Grand Bahama Island - Joe Hormes, a Ross University 4th semester student presented a donation on April 20th to
Rev. Dr. J. Emmette Weir of Our Saviour Lutheran Church.
The young medical student selected the Lutheran church for his donation to Haitian relief because of their matching program.
The Lutheran World Relief fund (LWR)
, a disaster response and advocacy group,
pledged a 50% matching
any donations to LWR earmarked for Haitian relief.
"I was in school here when I heard the news about Haiti. Since I am training to be a medical doctor, I mean well and want to help.
Ideally, many of us all wanted to go to Haiti to provide clinical care and
support to those
in need, but we just don't have the skills or training for that yet.
For right now, this was as much help as I was able to give, and I was
happy to do so. I was also glad to be able to donate at a time when
public awareness of the crisis has dimmed a little,
but when Haiti's need is still so great,"
said Hormes.
Upon receiving the donation Rev. Weir said,
"This is a very important project. If we all do something, no matter how small, it makes a difference. I encourage the community to do whatever they can to assist Haiti. I want to thank Ross University for this contribution and I'm very proud of this particular student who has taken the initiative to donate."
Dr. Harriet Myers,
Associate Dean of Student Affairs,
who assisted in linking up the donation said, “Ross University actively encourages its students
be involved in the greater community on a local, state and international
and it seems that Ross is fortunate to gain students who bring passion
for community
involvement with them. I was particularly gratified with Joe
initiating a contribution for Haitian relief at this busy time of the
and after the initial shock of the earthquake has receded.“
Ross University
founded in 1978 and is a provider of medical and veterinary education
offering doctor of medicine and doctor of veterinary medicine degree
programs. The School of Medicine is located in Dominica, West Indies,
and the Freeport, Grand Bahama campus recently opened in January 2009.
The School of Veterinary Medicine is located in St. Kitts. Ross
University's administrative offices are located in North Brunswick,
NJ. Ross University has more than 9,000 alumni with M.D. and D.V.M.
degrees. http://www.rossu.edu/

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