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Community : Service Organizations Last Updated: May 18, 2017 - 1:54:52 AM

Cancer Society Ball celebrates Life, Faith and Hope with RBC Support
By Sharell Carroll
May 17, 2017 - 6:12:13 PM

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Brian Knowles, VP, Corporate Banking, RBC presents Nicole Leary, Cancer Society Ball Committee Member, with a check as a partner of the Cancer Society of The Bahamas.

The 2017 Cancer Society’s 16th Annual Ball, an annual fundraiser that will benefit hundreds in the Bahamian community, is ready to make a difference with the support of RBC. This year’s theme of Celebrate! Faith. Hope. Love. Peace. Happiness. Survival. Joy. highlights the multiple dimensions of life and the reasons it is so important to continue seeking a cure. RBC’s annual sponsorship will assist the Cancer Society in obtaining the equipment and resources they need for cancer patients within the community. Proceeds from the ball will also help the society with its Cancer Caring Centre Expansion Project, adding a hospice facility and day care, with an additional 16 rooms for patients.
Brian Knowles, RBC Head, Corporate Banking said, “We are pleased to continue our sponsorship of The Cancer Society’s annual ball. We respect and appreciate the entire team for their tireless commitment and the great work they do every day to help people directly and indirectly affected by cancer. We support this event because it increases the awareness of cancer – both treatments and prevention – and by doing so supports the future of our communities.”
Globally, RBC sponsors multiple events and campaigns in the fight against cancer.
Each year, RBC hosts the Race for the Kids an annual fundraiser held at various locations around the world. The Caribbean race, currently based in Trinidad, raises thousands of dollars to support and treat children with cancer.

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