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Team photos of the 2009 Grand Bahama Soccer Camp
By Coach Robbin
Jul 2, 2009 - 8:20:12 PM

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From London, visiting coaches from left to right: Luther Blissett, Jamie Godbold, and Tom Hartley. Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Grand Bahama Island - The Premier League Soccer Camp 2009 was another great success! Local kids came out and enjoyed another thrilling week of soccer skills, team spirit, and fun!

This year was extra-special with the return of lead coaches, Jamie Godbold and Luther Blissett, with the wonderful new addition of Tom Hartley.

The Bahamas Weekly is pleased to present the team photos taken by Ana-Alicia Carroll, who volunteered her time to document this years ten teams. www.ancadesigns.com

Thank you Ana!

The full team of junior and senior local coaches with the visiting coaches. Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Tom Hartley shares about his first trip to Grand Bahama:

When I was first asked to come and work at the Soccer Camp earlier this year, it did not take me long to say yes! The Bahamas is a part of the world that I have always wanted to experience, and after my week coaching and living on the Island, it is an experience that I will never forget! Coming away from the camp, with time for looking back on the last week, it has made me appreciate that Grand Bahama has something special. The weeks coaching was the most fun, productive and developmental I have ever had. The children who attended the camp are a credit to the Island, their parents and themselves. The drive and enthusiasm, and especially the respect they displayed over every moment of the camp was admirable, and something I have never seen at that level. The amount of passion they had for Soccer astounded me, and, has left me with a renewed sense enthusiasm. To couple this, the work and approach of the volunteer coaches was commendable. To work all day, every day,  in such high temperatures, especially with the same group of children all week is no easy feat, and I took a lot from how they entered each day with a renewed drive. I have admiration for their efforts.

Away from the coaching pitches, I gain have had a phenomenal week. From swimming with dolphins, (which was on my list of "things to do", and is now on my list of "things to do again!"), to rounds of golf with Luther and Jamie, (apologies for losing so many golf balls in to the hedges and shrubbery! I think my swing may need a little work!!) taking advantage of early mornings running on the white sands to enjoying the nightlife of Port Lucaya. The people are so friendly and welcoming and made my/our stay not just memorable, but a trip of a lifetime!

Tom Hartley
FA Tesco Skills Programme

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Video - Famed Football Player, Luther Blissett

Team photos of the 2009 Grand Bahama Soccer Camp

2009 GB Premier League Soccer Camp Stars

GB Premier League Soccer Camp 2009 thanks Sponsors

Coaches Robbin Whachell, Jasmine Tucker, Sanadia Williams Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Coaches Debbie Borsetto, Caitlin Antoni, and Emily Waugh Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Coaches Leo Hudson, Ashleigh Lockhart, and Hardin Casimir Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Coaches Van Rolle, and Jason Gegregory. Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Coaches Ghassan Haddad and Cappelle Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Coach Kristopher Deveaux Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Coaches Eon Austin and Tremaine Simmons Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Coaches Andrew Bell, Luther Blissett, Mark Hardy, Shannon Darville Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Coach Mark Hardy Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

Coaches Michael DeSantos, Luther Blissett, Tristan Phillips, Nikita Tucker (purple) and Kristina Deveaux (white)Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

See MORE photos of this year's camp on Facebook by logging in, searching and joining,
"Grand Bahama Youth Soccer".

Visiting coaches from London (L to R: Luther Blissett, Jamie Godbold, and Tom Hartley) stand with the president of the Freeport Rugby Football Club, Rob Speller and major Camp sponsor Sir Jack Hayward. left to right: Luther Blissett, Jamie Godbold, and Tom Hartley. Photo: Ana-Alicia Carroll

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