A face that is asking for a chance to stay alive
Picture this….
You are old, you are handicapped, you are frail, you
are alone and you are never sure where the next meal is coming from.
Your only shelter is under a car in a parking lot,
when it rains the water comes under the car…when you were younger and a bit
stronger you could cope…but now you are old….and sick.!
How the heck can you cope with all those negatives
against you?
Yet little Pinky still manages to wag her tail and
lick the hand that feeds her.
Scooped up to safety by well meaning and animal
loving Cella Melnacheck Pinky was carried off to the loving hands of Dr. Val
Grant at the Palmdale Vet Clinic….No,
they cant amputate the dragging food…she has cancer and
heartworm…Pinky wags her tail, the sweet gentle tones of voice, the strokes and
pats…She does not realize that in many ways her death sentence has just been

This grass feels so much better than the parking lot!
Pinky is now in the Palmdale Clinic until Thursday
having started her medical treatment but…and oh Lord! There is the most HUGE of
buts…She has nowhere to go when she comes out of the Clinic on Thursday…Dr.
Grant says that she must go to a home environment in order to make her
treatment successful…She cannot reside at the Bahamas Humane Society Shelter yet,
it would be too stressful for her and then the treatment would not work…she
needs quiet, where she can curl up in a corner and sleep.
Picture this:
You have never really known kindness and now suddenly
there are soft voices, dry towels to lie on, food in a bowl, clean water, even
a bath!!! And perhaps, just perhaps, the next act of kindness will be to kill you
because nobody can take care of you, and help you through these few tough
months of treatment…
Just picture that !
When finally you have a shot at life, a shot at
having a human who is nice to you, a shot of having a hand to lick…and because
of your homelessness that same hand to lick may just be the hand that will have
to end your life.
Just close your eyes and picture that!
Cella owns a dog that will not be kind to Pinky she
is aggressive and will not allow Pinky to move in with them…So Pinky cannot go
and live with the pretty woman who reached out to help her…but Cella will
always be there for Pinky.
will provide the medication for her, she can take her to her doctors
appointments, there are people who will pay for Pinky’s food…she just needs a
spot to rest her battle weary old body, and quiet refuge far from parking lots,
screeching brakes, wet tarmac and fear…

A kiss from a person who cares....
Pinky’s handicap does not stop her getting around,
and she is a friendly little sprite…she gets on well with other dogs.
She is a peaceful elderly lady who enjoys a quiet nap
in the corner out of the way…a snooze and a dream,.
Picture this:
Before Christmas a bright eyed, Pinky, can run across
the Bahamas Humane Society garden with the other senior citizens in “hot
persuit’ (slow step, senior style) , she lies down in the shade and rolls over,
all the time wagging her tail at her new friends.
All because YOU gave her that chance she needed….
p.s.: I read about Pinky’s plight on Facebook and
decided to throw my hat into the ring and try to help find Pinky a home to live
in during her treatment. I just cannot accept that she may have to be put to
sleep ONLY because she has no safe haven to stay during her medical
treatment…Please, please, out there, there must be someone who can give her a
foster home.!
Chella says we can publish her phone number.
It is 363 2258, people should contact her direct if
they can help her foster Pinky! Or email me!

Pinky with her best friend Cella
About the
Kim Aranha
grew up in the Berry Islands with her first dog, a beloved potcake named
“Friendly” (who was anything but!). First educated at home, and then in
boarding school in Switzerland, Kim moved to Rome, Italy in 1974 to pursue a
career in the dramatic arts and ended up working as an interpreter. She moved
back to The Bahamas in 1980, and now lives in Nassau with her husband Paul, and
their two grown sons. Kim has 5 dogs, 2 goldfish, 12 fresh water turtles,
1 Asian box turtle and 3 Budgerigars. Her idea of relaxing is being home to
take care of all her pets. Kim is President of the Bahamas Humane Society, and
serves on the board of BREEF, and is co-chairman of the Bahamas Sea Turtle
Conservation Group. Kim can be contacted at