Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
Your Bahamas Weekly news team is proud to announce that there are now more than 800 searchable articles
in 57 different categories
here on our web site. We offer special thanks to our team of contributors
and to our hard working editor
as we continue in our untiring efforts to provide positive news updates from The Bahamas. Yes, there is more
Under The Hood
than meets the eye, that's why we have equipped The Bahamas Weekly with a powerful search engine to help you locate your particular topic of interest, located on the left column of each and every page. Just type in key words and hit enter.
Our existence would be short lived without the support of our site sponsors. We send a special thank you to you all. Please have a look on the left column of every page of The Bahamas Weekly to see who they are and click on their logos for more information on their products and services. If you are interested in advertising on The Bahamas Weekly please CLICK HERE for more info or email sales@thebahamasweekly.com. You can also call Liz at 242-351-5310.
Also on the left column of every page are two links to the Constitution of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas:
Viewable on the Web (html).
Downloadable PDF that enables searching of the document to locate your particular topic of interest.
Don't forget to sign up to receive our FREE weekly news updates. Presently, we send out just under 10,000 per week. However, that's just the beginning; we receive an additional 144,330 worldwide hits weekly serving up 15,188 weekly page views globally.
The Bahamas Weekly audience is not limited to a finite list of subscribers who are a part of an E-list. The reach of The Bahamas Weekly is global and retrievable by web surfers
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We express our gratitude to you for the tremendous positive response to our newly launched
Bahamas E Marketing Service. For more information please CLICK HERE.
I could continue on with more chatter but that's all for now. Enjoy your journey through The Bahamas Favorite News & Community information Web Site, The Bahamas Weekly. Updated Daily.

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