Freeport, Grand Bahama Island - Ross University Bahamas is
pleased to announce the appointment of Bahamian, Londell Albury, as
their new executive administrator at the Freeport site effective immediately.
The announcement was made by Hal McCulloch, PhD., senior vice president
administration at Ross University Bahamas.
"Londell, who has excelled in his previous role as director information
technology, will oversee administration of the Medical Education Review
Program (MERP), said Dr. McCulloch, “including administrative management
of the staff and faculty in Freeport. He will ensure the high quality
standards for the program are sustained and continuously improved.”
"I am very excited and humbled to be afforded the opportunity to
serve as the executive administrator for the Freeport site. My experience
with Ross has been incredibly rewarding. I am extremely proud of the
staff and leadership team that have been developed here in Freeport,"
said Mr. Albury.
Prior to working with Ross, Mr. Albury headed the IT Department
of the Freeport Container Port, Grand Bahamas Airport Company, and Freeport
Harbour Company.

Londell Albury (left), new executive administrator at the Freeport site is seen here with Dr. Hal McCulloch, PhD., senior vice president administration at Ross University Bahamas. Photo: The Bahamas Weekly
A graduate of Bahamas Academy, Mr.
Albury attained a Business degree from Northern Caribbean University,
a Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Information Systems from Oakwood
University, Huntsville Alabama.
He obtained a masters degree in Project Management at Keller Graduate School of Management. His professional training includes seminars and specialized courses
at George Washington University along with numerous IT and management
related training courses.
In his previous professional capacities,
Mr. Albury has also served in roles as IT Project Manager, IT Steering
& Policy Committee member, and various IT roles with both Machinery
and Energy Ltd. and the Central Bank of the Bahamas in Nassau, New Providence.
In his tenure as an IT professional
with Ross University, Mr. Albury has been directly involved in a number
of initiatives to implement mission critical business systems, IT infrastructure,
and development of key IT personnel.
Londell Albury is married to Deardra
Smith and they have three children.
Ross University
founded in 1978 and is a provider of medical and veterinary education
offering doctor of medicine and doctor of veterinary medicine degree
programs. The School of Medicine is located in Dominica, West Indies,
and the Freeport, Grand Bahama clinical site recently opened in January 2009.
The School of Veterinary Medicine is located in St. Kitts. Ross
University's administrative offices are located in North Brunswick,
NJ. Ross University has more than 9,000 alumni with M.D. and D.V.M.